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Rethinking migration networks on the move: Associative, professional and global encounters between Romanians in Spain
Population, Space and Place ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-04 , DOI: 10.1002/psp.2595
Silvia Marcu 1

This paper explores the (re)interpretation of migration networks on the move following the European Union (EU) enlargement towards eastern Europe, which affected people's mobility in time–space. The paper poses two questions: are one or more migration networks engaged in this mobility? Is it possible to rethink migration networks in the context of mobility? Drawing on 60 in-depth interviews with Romanians in Spain, my novel argument is that even while on they move people construct dynamic and multifaceted networks situated between encounter and difference that transcend their distinctive features and complement each other: ‘associative networks’ grouped around migrant associations; ‘professional networks’ articulated around the institutions that represent Romania in Spain; and ‘global networks of encounter’ that include highly mobile young people. The conclusions emphasize that the notion of migration networks on the move can be rethought by taking a transformative approach that overcomes differences and seeks interconnective synergy.



本文探讨了在欧盟 (EU) 向东欧扩张后移动中的移民网络的(重新)解释,这影响了人们在时空上的流动性。该论文提出了两个问题:是否有一个或多个迁移网络参与了这种迁移?是否有可能在流动性的背景下重新思考移民网络?基于对在西班牙的罗马尼亚人的 60 次深入访谈,我的新颖论点是,即使在他们移动的同时,人们也会在相遇和差异之间构建动态和多方面的网络,这些网络超越了他们的独特特征并相互补充:“联想网络”围绕着移民协会;围绕在西班牙代表罗马尼亚的机构建立的“专业网络”;以及包括高度流动的年轻人在内的“全球接触网络”。结论强调,可以通过采取一种克服差异并寻求相互协同作用的变革性方法来重新思考移动中的移民网络的概念。