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Hydrological Processes ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-04 , DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14610

The referenced article, Ariano and Oswald (2022), contains an incorrect citation. For ease of location, we refer to the PDF version of the article.

The left-hand column on page 9 contains the following text:-.

“Even though impervious cover is often discussed as the primary driver of the urban stream response to rainfall (Askarizadeh et al., 2015; Bell et al., 2016; Boyd et al., 1993; Brun & Band, 2000; Guan et al., 2016; Ma et al., 2018),…”.

The first author's name in Ma et al., (2018) is incorrect. This citation should read Paule-Mercado et al., 2018).

The reference list has also been amended to reflect this change. It should read:-.

Paule-Mercado, M. C. A., Salim, I., Lee, B. Y., Memon, S., Sajjad, R. U., Sukhbaatar, C., & Lee, C. H. (2018). Monitoring and quantification of stormwater runoff from mixed land use and land cover catchment in response to land development. Ecological Indicators, 93, 1112–1125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.06.006

These changes have also been made to the full-text version.



引用的文章 Ariano 和 Oswald ( 2022 ) 包含不正确的引用。为了便于定位,我们参考了文章的 PDF 版本。

第 9 页的左侧栏包含以下文本:-。

“尽管不透水覆盖层经常被讨论为城市河流对降雨响应的主要驱动因素(Askarizadeh等人,2015;Bell等人,2016;Boyd等人,1993;Brun & Band,2000;Guan等人) ., 2016; Ma et al ., 2018),...”。

Ma et al ., (2018)中第一作者姓名不正确。此引文应为 Paule-Mercado等人,2018 年)。


Paule-Mercado, MCA, Salim, I., Lee, BY, Memon, S., Sajjad, RU, Sukhbaatar, C., & Lee, CH (2018)。监测和量化混合土地利用和土地覆盖集水区的雨水径流,以响应土地开发。生态指标93,1112-1125。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.06.006

