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Nurturing urban innovation and knowledge in the ongoing COVID-19 world
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge ( IF 18.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jik.2022.100217
Banwari Mittal , Arch G. Woodside

Amidst the catastrophe of COVID-19, segments of the population globally experienced changes in their perspectives on life and the desire to live a more fulfilling life. The study here examines this emergent trend with secondary data available as published survey reports and personal observations using the inductive-reflective method of understanding and theorizing. The findings support the identification of five facets of this new mindset, namely, rise in altruism, growing community-mindedness, increasing focus on health and financial security, searching for work-life balance, and increasing experiences with nature. To channel this emergent mindset, this study proposes five categories of urban innovations: (1) revival of neighborhoods; (2) expansion of parks and nature; (3) investment in urban transportation and greenspaces, (4) incentivizing entrepreneurs for ecology and local “maker economy,” and (5) staging community projects for collective good. The study describes the benefits of these innovations to general population and sets an agenda for urban planners, city managers, and social agencies as citizens begin their ongoing COVID lives. The study closes by advancing ten research proposals for future social science contributions in innovation and knowledge


在持续的 COVID-19 世界中培养城市创新和知识

在 COVID-19 的灾难中,全球部分人口经历了他们对生活的看法和过上​​更充实的生活的愿望发生了变化。此处的研究使用归纳反思的理解和理论化方法,利用已发表的调查报告和个人观察结果来检验这一新兴趋势。研究结果支持对这种新思维方式的五个方面的识别,即利他主义的兴起、社区意识的增强、对健康和财务安全的日益关注、寻求工作与生活的平衡以及增加与自然的体验。为了引导这种新兴思维方式,本研究提出了五类城市创新:(1)社区复兴;(2) 公园和自然的扩展;(3) 对城市交通和绿地的投资,(4) 为生态和地方“创客经济”激励企业家,以及 (5) 为集体利益举办社区项目。该研究描述了这些创新对普通人群的好处,并为城市规划者、城市管理者和社会机构制定了议程,因为公民开始了他们正在进行的 COVID 生活。该研究通过提出十项研究提案来结束,以期为未来社会科学在创新和知识方面做出贡献
