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Long-Term Associations between Disaster-Related Home Loss and Health and Well-Being of Older Survivors: Nine Years after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Environmental Health Perspectives ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-7-1 , DOI: 10.1289/ehp10903
Koichiro Shiba 1, 2, 3 , Hiroyuki Hikichi 4 , Sakurako S Okuzono 2 , Tyler J VanderWeele 1, 3, 5 , Mariana Arcaya 6 , Adel Daoud 7, 8 , Richard G Cowden 3 , Aki Yazawa 2, 9 , David T Zhu 10 , Jun Aida 11 , Katsunori Kondo 12, 13 , Ichiro Kawachi 2



Little research has examined associations between disaster-related home loss and multiple domains of health and well-being, with extended long-term follow-up and comprehensive adjustment for pre-disaster characteristics of survivors.


We examined the longitudinal associations between disaster-induced home loss and 34 indicators of health and well-being, assessed 9y post-disaster.


We used data from a preexisting cohort study of Japanese older adults in an area directly impacted by the 2011 Japan Earthquake (n=3,350 and n=2,028, depending on the outcomes). The study was initiated in 2010, and disaster-related home loss status was measured in 2013 retrospectively. The 34 outcomes were assessed in 2020 and covered dimensions of physical health, mental health, health behaviors/sleep, social well-being, cognitive social capital, subjective well-being, and prosocial/altruistic behaviors. We estimated the associations between disaster-related home loss and the outcomes, using targeted maximum likelihood estimation and SuperLearner. We adjusted for pre-disaster characteristics from the wave conducted 7 months before the disaster (i.e., 2010), including prior outcome values that were available.


After Bonferroni correction for multiple testing, we found that home loss (vs. no home loss) was associated with increased posttraumatic stress symptoms (standardized difference=0.50; 95% CI: 0.35, 0.65), increased daily sleepiness (0.38; 95% CI: 0.21, 0.54), lower trust in the community (0.36; 95% CI: 0.53, 0.18), lower community attachment (0.60; 95% CI: 0.75, 0.45), and lower prosociality (0.39; 95% CI: 0.55, 0.24). We found modest evidence for the associations with increased depressive symptoms, increased hopelessness, more chronic conditions, higher body mass index, lower perceived mutual help in the community, and decreased happiness. There was little evidence for associations with the remaining 23 outcomes.


Home loss due to a disaster may have long-lasting adverse impacts on the cognitive social capital, mental health, and prosociality of older adult survivors. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP10903


与灾害有关的房屋损失与老年幸存者的健康和福祉之间的长期关联:2011 年东日本大地震和海啸九年后





我们研究了灾害导致的房屋损失与 34 项健康和福祉指标之间的纵向关联,并评估了 9 y灾后。


我们使用了一项先前针对受 2011 年日本地震直接影响地区的日本老年人进行的队列研究的数据( n = 3,350 人n = 2,028 ,取决于结果)。该研究于 2010 年启动,并于 2013 年回顾性地衡量了与灾害有关的房屋损失状况。 2020 年评估了 34 项结果,涵盖身体健康、心理健康、健康行为/睡眠、社会福祉、认知社会资本、主观福祉和亲社会/利他行为等维度。我们使用目标最大似然估计和 SuperLearner 估计了与灾害相关的房屋损失与结果之间的关联。我们根据灾难前 7 个月(即 2010 年)进行的波浪调整了灾前特征,包括先前可用的结果值。


经过 Bonferroni 多次测试校正后,我们发现失去家园(与没有失去家园相比)与创伤后应激症状的增加相关(标准化差异= 0.50 ; 95% CI: 0.35, 0.65),每日嗜睡增加 (0.38; 95% CI: 0.21, 0.54),对社区的信任度降低 ( - 0.36 ; 95% 置信区间: - 0.53 , - 0.18 ),较低的社区依恋( - 0.60 ; 95% 置信区间: - 0.75 , - 0.45 )和较低的亲社会性( - 0.39 ; 95% 置信区间: - 0.55 , - 0.24 )。我们发现了适度的证据,证明这些因素与抑郁症状增加、绝望感增加、慢性病增多、体重指数升高、社区互助感知度降低以及幸福感降低有关。几乎没有证据表明与其余 23 个结果之间存在关联。

