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Ecological Applications ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-01 , DOI: 10.1002/eap.2373

COVER PHOTO: Endangered Southern Mountain caribou are brought into a maternal pen to have their calves in safety and raise them to at least 6 weeks old–a period when calves are quite vulnerable to predators–before release. Two related papers in this issue explore the combined impact of conservation actions. As highlighted in McNay et al. (Article 2580; doi:10.1002/eap.2580), Indigenous-led conservation efforts have successfully averted the extirpation of these caribou through maternal penning and wolf reductions, tripling the abundance of caribou in less than a decade. Lamb et al. (Article 2581; doi:10.1002/eap.2581) illustrate how habitat restoration and protection will help these caribou grow rapidly and one day support a culturally meaningful hunt. Photo courtesy of Wildlife Infometrics, 2017.



封面照片:濒临灭绝的南山驯鹿被带入母体围栏,让它们的小牛安全,并将它们饲养到至少 6 周大(小牛非常容易受到捕食者攻击的时期),然后再释放。本期的两篇相关论文探讨了保护行动的综合影响。正如 McNay 等人强调的那样。(第 2580 条;doi:10.1002/eap.2580),由原住民主导的保护工作通过母性圈养和减少狼群,成功避免了这些驯鹿的灭绝,在不到十年的时间里,驯鹿的数量增加了两倍。羔羊等人。(第 2581 条;doi:10.1002/eap.2581)说明栖息地恢复和保护将如何帮助这些驯鹿快速生长,并有朝一日支持具有文化意义的狩猎。照片由野生动物信息计量学提供,2017 年。