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Book Review: Immigration Nation: Aid, Control, and Border Politics in Morocco by Lorena Gazzotti
International Migration Review ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-20 , DOI: 10.1177/01979183221098939
Sara Benjelloun 1

In her book, Lorena Gazzotti focuses on the workings of border power through aid by weaving together insights from the literature on border control, development securitization, humanitarian assistance, and non-state governance. The main argument advanced by the book is that aid is an instrument of slow border control. Gazzotti demonstrates that, contrary to hard power instruments of migration control such as fences or deportation, aid is an elusive instrument of migration containment in which the involvement of non-state actors, such as international organisations (IOs) and (Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), is key.


书评:移民国家:摩洛哥的援助、控制和边境政治 作者 Lorena Gazzotti

在她的书中,Lorena Gazzotti 将边境控制、发展证券化、人道主义援助和非国家治理等文献中的见解结合在一起,重点关注边境权力通过援助的运作。这本书提出的主要论点是,援助是一种缓慢的边境控制工具。Gazzotti 表明,与围墙或驱逐等移民控制的硬实力工具相反,援助是一种难以捉摸的移民遏制工具,其中非国家行为者的参与,如国际组织 (IO) 和 (非政府组织 (非政府组织),是关键。