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Urban affinity and its associated traits: A global analysis of bats
Global Change Biology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-30 , DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16320
Janis M Wolf 1, 2 , Jonathan M Jeschke 1, 3, 4 , Christian C Voigt 1, 4, 5 , Yuval Itescu 1, 3, 4

Urbanization is a major contributor to the loss of biodiversity. Its rapid progress is mostly at the expense of natural ecosystems and the species inhabiting them. While some species can adjust quickly and thrive in cities, many others cannot. To support biodiversity conservation and guide management decisions in urban areas, it is important to find robust methods to estimate the urban affinity of species (i.e. their tendency to live in urban areas) and understand how it is associated with their traits. Since previous studies mainly relied on discrete classifications of species' urban affinity, often involving inconsistent assessments or variable parameters, their results were difficult to compare. To address this issue, we developed and evaluated a set of continuous indices that quantify species' urban affinity based on publicly available occurrence data. We investigated the extent to which a species' position along the urban affinity gradient depends on the chosen index and how this choice affects inferences about the relationship between urban affinity and a set of morphological, sensory and functional traits. While these indices are applicable to a wide range of taxonomic groups, we examined their performance using a global set of 356 bat species. As bats vary in sensitivity to anthropogenic disturbances, they provide an interesting case study. We found that different types of indices resulted in different rankings of species on the urban affinity spectrum, but this had little effect on the association of traits with urban affinity. Our results suggest that bat species predisposed to urban life are characterized by low echolocation call frequencies, relatively long call durations, small body size and flexibility in the selection of the roost type. We conclude that simple indices are appropriate and practical, and propose to apply them to more taxa to improve our understanding of how urbanization favours or filters species with particular traits.



城市化是导致生物多样性丧失的主要因素。它的快速发展主要是以牺牲自然生态系统和栖息在其中的物种为代价的。虽然有些物种可以迅速适应并在城市中繁衍生息,但许多其他物种却不能。为了支持城市地区的生物多样性保护和指导管理决策,重要的是找到可靠的方法来估计物种的城市亲和力(即它们在城市地区生活的趋势)并了解它与它们的特征之间的关系。由于以前的研究主要依赖于物种城市亲和力的离散分类,通常涉及不一致的评估或可变参数,因此它们的结果难以比较。为了解决这个问题,我们开发并评估了一组量化物种的连续指数 基于公开可用的发生数据的城市亲和力。我们调查了物种在城市亲和力梯度上的位置在多大程度上取决于所选指数,以及这种选择如何影响关于城市亲和力与一组形态、感官和功能特征之间关系的推断。虽然这些指数适用于广泛的分类群,但我们使用全球 356 种蝙蝠物种检查了它们的表现。由于蝙蝠对人为干扰的敏感性各不相同,它们提供了一个有趣的案例研究。我们发现,不同类型的指数导致物种在城市亲和力谱上的排名不同,但这对性状与城市亲和力的关联影响不大。我们的研究结果表明,倾向于城市生活的蝙蝠物种的特点是回声定位呼叫频率低、呼叫持续时间相对较长、体型小以及选择栖息地类型的灵活性。我们得出结论,简单的指数是适当和实用的,并建议将它们应用于更多的分类群,以提高我们对城市化如何有利于或过滤具有特定特征的物种的理解。