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International Consensus Classification of Myeloid Neoplasms and Acute Leukemias: integrating morphologic, clinical, and genomic data.
Blood ( IF 21.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-15 , DOI: 10.1182/blood.2022015850
Daniel A Arber,Attilio Orazi,Robert P Hasserjian,Michael J Borowitz,Katherine R Calvo,Hans-Michael Kvasnicka,Sa A Wang,Adam Bagg,Tiziano Barbui,Susan Branford,Carlos E Bueso-Ramos,Jorge E Cortes,Paola Dal Cin,Courtney D DiNardo,Hervé Dombret,Eric J Duncavage,Benjamin L Ebert,Elihu H Estey,Fabio Facchetti,Kathryn Foucar,Naseema Gangat,Umberto Gianelli,Lucy A Godley,Nicola Gökbuget,Jason Gotlib,Eva Hellström-Lindberg,Gabriela S Hobbs,Ronald Hoffman,Elias J Jabbour,Jean-Jacques Kiladjian,Richard A Larson,Michelle M Le Beau,Mignon L-C Loh,Bob Löwenberg,Elizabeth Macintyre,Luca Malcovati,Charles G Mullighan,Charlotte Niemeyer,Olatoyosi M Odenike,Seishi Ogawa,Alberto Orfao,Elli Papaemmanuil,Francesco Passamonti,Kimmo Porkka,Ching-Hon Pui,Jerald P Radich,Andreas Reiter,Maria Rozman,Martina Rudelius,Michael R Savona,Charles A Schiffer,Annette Schmitt-Graeff,Akiko Shimamura,Jorge Sierra,Wendy A Stock,Richard M Stone,Martin S Tallman,Jürgen Thiele,Hwei-Fang Tien,Alexandar Tzankov,Alessandro M Vannucchi,Paresh Vyas,Andrew H Wei,Olga K Weinberg,Agnieszka Wierzbowska,Mario Cazzola,Hartmut Döhner,Ayalew Tefferi

The classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemias was last updated in 2016 within a collaboration between the World Health Organization (WHO), the Society for Hematopathology, and the European Association for Haematopathology. This collaboration was primarily based on input from a clinical advisory committees (CACs) composed of pathologists, hematologists, oncologists, geneticists, and bioinformaticians from around the world. The recent advances in our understanding of the biology of hematologic malignancies, the experience with the use of the 2016 WHO classification in clinical practice, and the results of clinical trials have indicated the need for further revising and updating the classification. As a continuation of this CAC-based process, the authors, a group with expertise in the clinical, pathologic, and genetic aspects of these disorders, developed the International Consensus Classification (ICC) of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemias. Using a multiparameter approach, the main objective of the consensus process was the definition of real disease entities, including the introduction of new entities and refined criteria for existing diagnostic categories, based on accumulated data. The ICC is aimed at facilitating diagnosis and prognostication of these neoplasms, improving treatment of affected patients, and allowing the design of innovative clinical trials.



骨髓肿瘤和急性白血病的分类最近一次更新是在 2016 年,由世界卫生组织 (WHO)、血液病理学会和欧洲血液病理学会合作进行。此次合作主要基于临床咨询委员会 (CAC) 的意见,该委员会由来自世界各地的病理学家、血液学家、肿瘤学家、遗传学家和生物信息学家组成。我们对血液恶性肿瘤生物学认识的最新进展、2016年WHO分类在临床实践中的使用经验以及临床试验结果表明需要进一步修订和更新分类。作为这一基于 CAC 的流程的延续,作者(一群在这些疾病的临床、病理和遗传方面拥有专业知识的团队)制定了髓系肿瘤和急性白血病的国际共识分类 (ICC)。使用多参数方法,共识过程的主要目标是根据积累的数据定义真实疾病实体,包括引入新实体和完善现有诊断类别的标准。 ICC 旨在促进这些肿瘤的诊断和预测,改善受影响患者的治疗,并允许设计创新的临床试验。