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Analysis of the Literature and Patient Counseling Considerations for Planned Oocyte Cryopreservation.
Obstetrics and Gynecology ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-07 , DOI: 10.1097/aog.0000000000004825
Morgan N Wilhoite 1 , Rachel E Warwar , Andrea N Starostanko , Megan R Sax

As oocyte cryopreservation use increases among reproductive-aged women, health care professionals are challenged with counseling patients on fertility-sparing technology based on limited high-quality research. Since the first successful slow freezing of mouse embryos in England in 1972, reproductive scientists have employed various protocols for successful cryopreservation and warming of gametes. From outdated slow-freeze technologies to improved vitrification methods, science has successfully shifted the pendulum from cryoinjury-related cell death to the preservation of cellular immortality. The clinical applications of oocyte cryopreservation first increased among oncofertility patients faced with limited fertility-sparing options. Breakthroughs in oncofertility opened a window of opportunity for the transgender community, which also led to an entirely new frontier-planned oocyte cryopreservation for potential future use. Reasons for cryopreservation are complex and often overlap. Socially, these can include not having a support person to share childcare responsibilities, prioritizing career goals and aspirations, and the financial constraints of the ever-rising cost of childrearing. Medically, reasons can include diseases, primary ovarian insufficiency, traumatic injury, planned female to male gender transition, and fertility loss that occurs with aging. Women are faced with many, if not all, of the above scenarios during their "ideal" reproductive window. These women are presenting to fertility centers in hopes of allowing for future reproductive freedom. Owing to media influence, women may be misled of the success potential of cryopreserved oocytes as a guarantee of future biological children. Here, we review current literature and propose guidelines for counseling patients on planned oocyte cryopreservation.



随着育龄妇女卵母细胞冷冻保存使用的增加,医疗保健专业人员面临着挑战,即根据有限的高质量研究为患者提供保留生育能力的技术咨询。自 1972 年在英国首次成功地缓慢冷冻小鼠胚胎以来,生殖科学家已经采用了各种方案来成功地冷冻保存和加热配子。从过时的慢速冷冻技术到改进的玻璃化方法,科学已经成功地将钟摆从冷冻损伤相关的细胞死亡转变为细胞永生的保存。卵母细胞冷冻保存的临床应用首先在面临有限生育选择的肿瘤生育患者中增加。肿瘤生育方面的突破为跨性别社区打开了一扇机会之窗,这也导致了一种全新的前沿计划卵母细胞冷冻保存,以备将来使用。冷冻保存的原因很复杂,而且经常重叠。在社会方面,这些可能包括没有支持人员来分担育儿责任,优先考虑职业目标和抱负,以及育儿成本不断上涨的财务限制。在医学上,原因可能包括疾病、原发性卵巢功能不全、外伤、计划中的女性向男性性别转变以及随着年龄增长而发生的生育能力丧失。女性在其“理想”生殖窗口期间面临许多(如果不是全部)上述情况。这些妇女正在向生育中心展示,希望能够实现未来的生育自由。由于媒体的影响,女性可能会被冷冻卵母细胞的成功潜力误导为未来亲生孩子的保证。在这里,我们回顾了当前的文献并提出了指导患者计划卵母细胞冷冻保存的指南。