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Evidence of steep declines in the heavily traded Javan White-eye Zosterops flavus from repeated standardised surveys
Bird Conservation International ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-29 , DOI: 10.1017/s0959270922000144
S. (Bas) van Balen , Ria Saryanthi , Stuart Marsden

Many Indonesian, and in particular Javan, birds are suspected to have declined dramatically as a result of unsustainable trapping for the cagebird trade, but quantitative evidence of the scale of declines is lacking for the great majority of species. We conducted field surveys of the heavily traded Javan White-eye Zosterops flavus at 19 key sites in 2018–2019 matching the methods and personnel used in baseline surveys done around 10 years earlier. Overall numbers counted were 84% lower in the later survey, and while more white-eyes were recorded at three sites in 2018–2019, there was a significant decline in numbers across all sites. The three sites with highest numbers in 2006–2019 (502 birds counted) had 22 individuals counted in 2018–2019, but there was no overall trend for ‘declines’ to be greater at sites that held more birds originally. Declines in white-eyes were much steeper than those of several lesser-traded bird species at the sites, suggesting that trapping has been a more important driver of declines than habitat changes such as conversion of mangrove to shrimp ponds. Small numbers of white-eyes were recorded at several previously unvisited sites, but we suggest that the species, on Java at least, has shown declines in the region of 80% over the last 10 years. Although since 2018 Javan White-eye is legally protected, we urge that this protection is extended to all white-eye species, because of their similarity.



许多印度尼西亚鸟类,尤其是爪哇鸟类,被怀疑由于不可持续的笼鸟贸易诱捕而急剧下降,但大多数物种的下降规模缺乏定量证据。我们对交易量大的爪哇绣眼黄斑鸡进行了实地调查2018-2019 年在 19 个关键地点进行的基线调查采用的方法和人员与大约 10 年前进行的基线调查相匹配。在后来的调查中,统计的总数量减少了 84%,虽然 2018 年至 2019 年在三个地点记录了更多的白眼鸟,但所有地点的数量均显着下降。2006-2019 年数量最多的三个地点(统计了 502 只鸟类)在 2018-2019 年统计了 22 只,但在最初饲养更多鸟类的地点,总体上没有出现“下降”更大的趋势。绣眼鸟数量的下降幅度比这些地点的几种贸易量较少的鸟类的下降幅度要大得多,这表明诱捕是导致数量下降的一个更重要的驱动因素,而不是红树林转变为虾池等栖息地变化。在几个以前未访问过的地点记录到少量白眼鸟,但我们认为,至少在爪哇岛,该物种在过去 10 年里已经减少了 80%。尽管自 2018 年起爪哇绣眼鸟受到法律保护,但我们敦促将这种保护扩大到所有绣眼鸟物种,因为它们相似。
