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Consensus report of DGI/SEPA/Osteology Workshop
Clinical Oral Implants Research ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-28 , DOI: 10.1111/clr.13950
Mariano Sanz 1 , Lisa Heitz-Mayfield 2

The importance of the dimensions and composition (keratinized versus non-keratinized epithelium) of the peri-implant mucosa has been the focus of recent research. The purpose of this consensus meeting was to elucidate key issues related to the peri-implant soft tissues relevant to the maintenance of health and esthetic outcomes in implant dentistry. A further aim was to evaluate the efficacy of soft tissue reconstructive surgical interventions using autogenous soft tissue grafts or soft tissue substitutes, including the coverage of buccal peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence defects.

Forty-three experts from three scientific organizations, the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI), the Spanish Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration (SEPA), and the Osteology Foundation (OF), collaborated to participate in this unique consensus meeting (Table 1 and Figure 1). The three organizations have a common goal of providing evidence-based education through research in the field of implant dentistry and oral tissue regeneration (Table 2).

TABLE 1. Working group titles, systematic reviews, group chairs, authors, and consensus conference participants

Working Group 1

Peri-implant keratinized mucosa

Working Group 2

Peri-implant soft tissue thickness

Working Group 3

Peri-implant buccal soft tissue dehiscence defects

Systematic Review 1

Influence of width of keratinized tissue on the prevalence of peri-implant diseases: A systematic review

Ramanauskaite et al. (2022)

The influence of thin as compared with thick peri-implant soft tissues on esthetic outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Bienz et al. (2022)

Buccal soft tissue dehiscence defects at dental implants- associated factors and frequency of occurrence: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Sanz-Martin et al. (2022)

Systematic Review 2

Efficacy of soft tissue substitutes, in comparison with autogenous grafts, in surgical procedures aiming to increase the peri-implant keratinized mucosa. A systematic review.

Montero et al. (2022)

Efficacy of soft tissue augmentation procedures on tissue thickening around dental implants. A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Valles et al. (2022)

Effectiveness of soft tissue augmentation procedures for coverage of buccal soft tissue dehiscence around dental implants: a systematic review

Soetebeer et al. (2022)

Chair Frank Schwarz Ronald Jung Adrian Guerrero
Chair Mariano Sanz José Nart Bilal Al Nawas
Author Ausra Ramanauskaite Stefan Bienz Ignacio Sanz-Martin
Author Eduardo Montero Cristina Vallès Maren Soetebeer
Participants Franck Renouard Nikos Donos Anton Sculean
Istvan Urban Christer Dahlin Giovanni Zucchelli
Pamela McClain Ignacio Sanz-Sánchez Mario Rocuzzo
Andrés Pascual Nerea Sanchez Lisa Heitz-Mayfield
Alberto Monje Antonio Liñares Ion Zabalegui
David Herrera Alberto Ortiz-Vigón Juan Blanco
Robert Sader Dietmar Weng Vanessa Ruiz-Magán
Eik Schiegnitz Gergard Iglhaut Florian Beuer
Ana Molina Christian Hammächer Markus Schlee
Elena Figuero Henning Schliephake
Daniel Thoma
Kathrin Becker
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Consensus conference participants
TABLE 2. Information about the three scientific organizations providing financial and organizational support for the consensus meeting

German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI)

The German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI) is currently the largest professional organization for dental implants in Europe. As a non-profit organization, the DGI is not bound to commercial interests. The goal of the association is to set the gold standard in continuing education in oral implantology.

Spanish Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration (SEPA)

Founded in 1959, the Spanish Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration is a scientific non-profit organization focused on promoting continuing education for dental professionals and information for patients through the SEPA Foundation. SEPA is not bound to commercial interests.

Osteology Foundation (OF)

The Osteology Foundation is a global organization that supports science, research training, and education in the field of oral tissue regeneration. The objective is to develop and share knowledge and understanding, leading to evidence-based clinical practice for the improvement of patient care.

Six systematic reviews were prepared, reviewed, and accepted for publication in Clinical Oral Implants Research prior to the consensus meeting (Bienz et al., 2022; Montero et al., 2022; Ramanauskaite et al., 2022; Sanz-Martin et al., 2022; Soetebeer et al., 2022; Valles et al., 2022). Participants were allocated to one of three working groups for discussion and preparation of the consensus reports. Due to the challenges of scheduling a consensus group meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic, several online meetings were held to enable participants to discuss the findings of the systematic reviews and to formulate questions to be addressed during the consensus conference. Literature searches were updated by the authors of the individual systematic reviews 2 months prior to the consensus conference.

The consensus conference was held on March 19–21st, 2022, at the Parador in the historic city of Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

Group 1 (Figure 2) addressed (1) the influence of the width of keratinized tissue on the prevalence of peri-implant diseases and (2) the efficacy of soft tissue substitutes, in comparison with autogenous grafts, in surgical procedures aiming to increase the peri-implant keratinized mucosa.

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Working group 1 participants

Group 2 (Figure 3) addressed (1) the influence of thin as compared to thick peri-implant soft tissues on esthetic outcomes and (2) the efficacy of soft tissue augmentation procedures on tissue thickening around dental implants.

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Working group 2 participants

Group 3 (Figure 4) addressed (1) buccal soft tissue dehiscence defects at dental implants- associated factors and frequency of occurrence and (2) the effectiveness of soft tissue augmentation procedures for the coverage of buccal soft tissue dehiscence around dental implants.

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Working group 3 participants

Consensus reports for each working group were prepared and presented to the plenum for further discussion prior to acceptance. The consensus reports included the main findings of each systematic review, consensus statements, implications for clinical practice, and future research.

In this special issue of Clinical Oral Implants Research, the systematic reviews and corresponding consensus reports for each of the three working groups are published.

We hope this publication will be of value to clinicians and assist in their decision-making for the benefit of their patients.
