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Conservation responsibility for bird species in tropical logged forests
Conservation Letters ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-23 , DOI: 10.1111/conl.12903
Zuzana Buřivalová 1, 2 , Cooper Rosin 2 , Johanna Buchner 2 , Volker C. Radeloff 2 , Natalia Ocampo‐Peñuela 3

Unprotected lands can help prevent the extinctions of species if managed carefully. Over half of the tropical forest is leased by logging companies, whereas only 6%–18% is protected. This makes the timber industry, institutions that regulate it, and consumers of its products important actors in conservation. We assessed the conservation responsibility, the proportion of a species’ range that tropical timber industry concessions overlap with, for bird species that decline after selective logging. Up to 32% of the global range and up to 100% of the national range of sensitive species within our study countries are leased by logging companies. Individual concessions overlap with the ranges of up to 25 sensitive and more than 500 total bird species, with a particularly high density in Borneo. Our results can inform governments, forest managers, sustainability certifiers, and consumers so that they can turn this responsibility into a conservation opportunity through interventions at multiple scales.



如果管理得当,未受保护的土地可以帮助防止物种灭绝。超过一半的热带森林由伐木公司租用,而只有 6%–18% 受到保护。这使得木材行业、对其进行监管的机构及其产品的消费者成为保护的重要参与者。我们评估了保护责任,即热带木材工业特许权重叠的物种范围的比例,对于选择性伐木后下降的鸟类。在我们研究的国家内,全球范围内多达 32% 的敏感物种和多达 100% 的全国范围内的敏感物种是由伐木公司租用的。个别特许权与多达 25 种敏感鸟类和 500 多种鸟类的范围重叠,婆罗洲的密度特别高。我们的结果可以为政府、森林管理者、