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Parent/Caregiver Perspectives on Children’s Play and Learning at a Children’s Museum: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
Journal of Museum Education Pub Date : 2022-06-24 , DOI: 10.1080/10598650.2021.2023312
Ellie K. Taylor , Lisa Kervin


There is more to know about children’s play and learning in public spaces, including the long-term benefits of exposure to established play spaces such as children’s museums. Nested within an 18-month mixed-method longitudinal study, this qualitative descriptive study sought to understand how children aged three to five years develop and learn through interaction in the Early Start Discovery Space, a play-based learning environment, from the perspective of their parent/caregiver. All participants held family memberships to the Early Start Discovery Space. One-hundred and twenty-nine parents/caregivers completed an initial questionnaire, and ten participated in interviews. Content analysis techniques were used to analyze semi-structured interview data. Parents reported recognizing the importance of the Early Start Discovery Space for imaginary and pretend play, parent/child interaction, and physical activity. They also described how this public play space promoted engagement with the outdoors, and was a novel experience for their child. A portion of participants also noted changes in their home environment after their child visited the space, including talking excitedly about their play, and integrating imaginary/pretend play at home. Findings present considerations for educators and parents to enhance learning and development through play-based public spaces.




关于儿童在公共场所的游戏和学习还有更多需要了解,包括接触儿童博物馆等既定游戏空间的长期益处。这项定性描述性研究嵌套在一项为期 18 个月的混合方法纵向研究中,旨在从他们的角度了解 3 至 5 岁儿童如何通过 Early Start Discovery Space(一个基于游戏的学习环境)中的互动来发展和学习。父母/照顾者。所有参与者都持有 Early Start Discovery Space 的家庭成员资格。129 名家长/看护人完成了初始问卷调查,其中 10 名参加了访谈。内容分析技术用于分析半结构化访谈数据。家长们报告说,他们认识到 Early Start Discovery Space 对于想象和假装游戏、亲子互动和体育活动的重要性。他们还描述了这个公共游乐空间如何促进人们与户外活动的互动,这对他们的孩子来说是一种新奇的体验。部分参与者还注意到他们的孩子参观该空间后他们的家庭环境发生了变化,包括兴奋地谈论他们的游戏,以及在家中融入想象/假装游戏。调查结果为教育工作者和家长提供了通过基于游戏的公共空间加强学习和发展的考虑。部分参与者还注意到他们的孩子参观该空间后他们的家庭环境发生了变化,包括兴奋地谈论他们的游戏,以及在家中融入想象/假装游戏。调查结果为教育工作者和家长提供了通过基于游戏的公共空间加强学习和发展的考虑。部分参与者还注意到他们的孩子参观该空间后他们的家庭环境发生了变化,包括兴奋地谈论他们的游戏,以及在家中融入想象/假装游戏。调查结果为教育工作者和家长提供了通过基于游戏的公共空间加强学习和发展的考虑。
