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Gravitational Glint: Detectable Gravitational Wave Tails from Stars and Compact Objects
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-22 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.128.251101
Craig Copi 1 , Glenn D Starkman 1, 2

Observations of a merging neutron star binary in both gravitational waves, by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), and across the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, by myriad telescopes, have been used to show that gravitational waves travel in vacuum at a speed that is indistinguishable from that of light to within one part in a quadrillion. However, it has long been expected mathematically that, when electromagnetic or gravitational waves travel through vacuum in a curved spacetime, the waves develop tails that travel more slowly. The associated signal has been thought to be undetectably weak. Here we demonstrate that gravitational waves are efficiently scattered by the curvature sourced by ordinary compact objects—stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and planets—and certain candidates for dark matter, populating the interior of the null cone. The resulting gravitational glint should imminently be detectable, and be recognizable (for all but planets) as briefly delayed echoes of the primary signal emanating from extremely near the direction of the primary source. This opens the prospect for using Gravitational Detection and Ranging to map the Universe and conduct a comprehensive census of massive compact objects, and ultimately to explore their interiors.



激光干涉引力波天文台 (LIGO) 在引力波和电磁辐射光谱中对合并中子星双星的观测,通过无数望远镜,已被用来表明引力波在真空中以一定速度传播这与光的区别在万亿分之一之内是无法区分的。然而,长期以来,人们一直在数学上预计,当电磁波或引力波在弯曲的时空中穿过真空时,波会产生传播速度更慢的尾巴。相关信号被认为微弱到无法检测到。在这里,我们证明了引力波被普通致密物体——恒星、白矮星、中子星和行星——以及某些暗物质候选者所产生的曲率有效地散射,填充零锥的内部。由此产生的引力闪烁应该很快就可以检测到,并且可以识别(除了行星之外的所有)作为从非常接近主要来源方向发出的主要信号的短暂延迟回波。这为使用引力探测和测距来绘制宇宙图和对巨大的致密物体进行全面普查,并最终探索它们的内部开辟了前景。