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Synchronicity: A Dionysian Perspective
Psychological Perspectives ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-22 , DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2021.2044164
Frederick Burniston

In his Zarathustra seminars, Jung described Nietzsche’s ring of eternal recurrence as an individuation symbol that denoted “the absolute completeness of the self” (Jung, 1989, p. 1044). Nietzsche conceived this idea in a moment of visionary experience “6,000 feet beyond man and time” (Nietzsche, 1888/1979 Nietzsche, F. (1979). Ecce homo (R. J. Hollingdale, Trans.). Penguin Books. (Original work published 1888) [Google Scholar], p. 100). Such experiences activate extraordinary synchronistic events. This essay opens up the intriguing question of the relationship between Nietzsche’s thought of eternal recurrence and Jung’s thought of synchronicity.

While I was working on the first draft, I took a break, switched on the TV, and the image of the angelic Little Richard in performance appeared on the screen—a moment of Dionysian synchronicity!



在他的查拉图斯特拉研讨会上,荣格将尼采的永恒轮回描述为一个个体化符号,表示“自我的绝对完整性”(荣格,1989,第 1044 页)。尼采在“超越人类和时间 6,000 英尺”的幻想体验时刻构思了这个想法(尼采,1888/ 1979 尼采,F.1979 年)。Ecce homo ( RJ Hollingdale , Trans.)。企鹅书。(原著于 1888 年出版) [谷歌学术],p。100)。这样的经历激活了非凡的同步事件。本文开启了尼采永恒轮回思想与荣格共时性思想之间关系的有趣问题。

