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Diversifying deep transitions: Accounting for socio-economic directionality
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2022.06.002
René Kemp , Bonno Pel , Christian Scholl , Frank Boons

The paper sets out to enrich the emerging debate on ‘deep’, transversal transitions. It does so by drawing attention to socio-economic developments neglected in the Deep Transition (DT) framework of Kanger and Schot, such as marketization, labour contracts becoming more individual and precarious, and changing human beliefs, aspirations, needs and wants as important developments. The framework of Deep Transition is criticised for neglecting tensions and contestations about progress, the socio-economic order and distributional issues. This paper aims to complement ‘deep transitions’ research with insights about socio-economic transformation processes. These are shown to be conflict-ridden and full of tensions, creating pressures on socio-economic orders and institutional logics. Because of this, development does not follow a neat pattern of convergence. In addition to identifying neglected issues and conceptual blind spots, the paper also outlines the scope for conceptual bridging between socio-technical and socio-economic transformation perspectives through attention to institutional logics and dialectics of change. We make a plea for a broader DT research agenda that covers relevant socio-economic rules, meta-regimes and institutional contradictions. Attention to directionality helps to deal with three weaknesses of the DT framework: the assumption of convergence, materialism, and insufficient attention to the multitude of value orientations and logics.



该论文旨在丰富关于“深度”横向过渡的新兴辩论。它通过提请注意在康格和肖特的深度转型 (DT) 框架中被忽视的社会经济发展,例如市场化、劳动合同变得更加个性化和不稳定,以及不断变化的人类信仰、愿望、需求和愿望等重要发展. 深度转型的框架因忽视有关进步、社会经济秩序和分配问题的紧张局势和争论而受到批评。本文旨在通过对社会经济转型过程的见解来补充“深度转型”研究。这些都被证明是充满冲突和紧张的,对社会经济秩序和制度逻辑造成压力。因为这,发展并没有遵循整齐的趋同模式。除了确定被忽视的问题和概念盲点外,本文还通过关注制度逻辑和变革辩证法,概述了在社会技术和社会经济转型观点之间建立概念桥梁的范围。我们呼吁更广泛的 DT 研究议程,涵盖相关的社会经济规则、元制度和制度矛盾。关注方向性有助于解决 DT 框架的三个弱点:趋同假设、唯物主义以及对众多价值取向和逻辑的关注不足。该文件还概述了通过关注制度逻辑和变革辩证法,在社会技术和社会经济转型观点之间建立概念桥梁的范围。我们呼吁更广泛的 DT 研究议程,涵盖相关的社会经济规则、元制度和制度矛盾。关注方向性有助于解决 DT 框架的三个弱点:趋同假设、唯物主义以及对众多价值取向和逻辑的关注不足。该文件还概述了通过关注制度逻辑和变革辩证法,在社会技术和社会经济转型观点之间建立概念桥梁的范围。我们呼吁更广泛的 DT 研究议程,涵盖相关的社会经济规则、元制度和制度矛盾。关注方向性有助于解决 DT 框架的三个弱点:趋同假设、唯物主义以及对众多价值取向和逻辑的关注不足。
