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Theoretical models and statistical modelling of linguistic epicentres
World Englishes ( IF 1.154 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-20 , DOI: 10.1111/weng.12580
Tobias Bernaisch 1 , Stefan Th. Gries 2 , Benedikt Heller 1

Motivated by a fundamental discussion of the relation between theoretical and statistical modelling, the present paper takes stock of the research history of linguistic epicentres in the world Englishes paradigm and seeks to provide suggestions for future epicentral studies. Based on a review of earlier research into potential epicentral constellations, we provide an overview of the genesis of the concept of linguistic epicentres, describe different methodological approaches that have been chosen and/or recommended for their study and provide statistical comments. With a view to future epicentral research, we aim at (i) refining the theoretical construct of linguistic epicentres, (ii) suggesting empirical methods that allow identifying epicentral constellations more reliably than in the past and (iii) making statistical recommendations particularly relevant to epicentral research.


