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Third-Order Fiducial Predictions for Drell-Yan Production at the LHC
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-21 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.128.252001
Xuan Chen 1, 2 , Thomas Gehrmann 3 , Nigel Glover 4 , Alexander Huss 5 , Pier Francesco Monni 5 , Emanuele Re 6, 7 , Luca Rottoli 3 , Paolo Torrielli 8

The Drell-Yan process at hadron colliders is a fundamental benchmark for the study of strong interactions and the extraction of electroweak parameters. The outstanding precision of the LHC demands very accurate theoretical predictions with a full account of fiducial experimental cuts. In this Letter we present a state-of-the-art calculation of the fiducial cross section and of differential distributions for this process at third order in the strict fixed-order expansion in the strong coupling, as well as including the all-order resummation of logarithmic corrections. Together with these results, we present a detailed study of the subtraction technique used to carry out the calculation for different sets of experimental cuts, as well as of the sensitivity of the fiducial cross section to infrared physics. We find that residual theory uncertainties are reduced to the percent level and that the robustness of the predictions can be improved by a suitable adjustment of fiducial cuts.


大型强子对撞机 Drell-Yan 产量的三阶基准预测

强子对撞机的 Drell-Yan 过程是研究强相互作用和提取电弱参数的基本基准。LHC 的出色精度需要非常准确的理论预测,并充分考虑基准实验切割。在这封信中,我们在强耦合中的严格固定阶展开中,介绍了该过程在三阶的基准横截面和微分分布的最新计算,以及包括全阶恢复对数校正。连同这些结果,我们详细研究了用于计算不同组实验切割的减法技术,以及基准横截面对红外物理的敏感性。