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Advancing avian road ecology research through systematic review
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2022.103375
Christopher Johnson , Darryl Jones , Tony Matthews , Matthew Burke

Linear Transport Infrastructure (LTI) often has important impacts on wildlife and landscape processes. Two reviews provided early insight and nuance into LTI impacts on birdlife but were published when road ecology experiments were still being developed. Four factors were identified to impact birds near roads: habitat quality, species-specific traits, traffic noise, and infrastructure. Although early work identified traffic noise as the main selective force, recent studies lend more support to habitat quality and infrastructure. However, this literature was deemed to possess low inferential strength given inconsistent data collection, inadequate management of confounding variables, limited inclusion of vehicle-free environments, short-term experimental timeframes, and use of methodologies susceptible to bias. A new experimental framework for better evaluation of the impact of roads on birdlife is proposed. This would facilitate the construction of species and/or community profiles useful in the design, construction, and management of transport networks.



线性交通基础设施 (LTI) 通常对野生动物和景观过程产生重要影响。两篇评论提供了关于 LTI 对鸟类影响的早期见解和细微差别,但在道路生态学实验仍在开发中时发表。确定了影响道路附近鸟类的四个因素:栖息地质量、物种特异性特征、交通噪音和基础设施。尽管早期的工作将交通噪声确定为主要的选择力量,但最近的研究为栖息地质量和基础设施提供了更多支持。然而,鉴于数据收集不一致、混杂变量管理不充分、无车辆环境纳入有限、短期实验时间框架以及使用易受偏见影响的方法,该文献被认为具有低推论强度。提出了一种新的实验框架,用于更好地评估道路对鸟类的影响。这将有助于构建对交通网络的设计、建设和管理有用的物种和/或群落概况。
