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Evolving roles of medical and healthcare professionals: where do we go from here?
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105860
Stephen Aspinall

The negative repercussions of COVID-19 on global health and the economy have added to the considerable challenges we already faced as an international health and care community. Although widespread, these challenges are being felt most keenly by groups affected by health disparities. When the WHO released the Global Action Plan for Physical Activity1 in 2018, it was a public health call to action and seems even more relevant post-pandemic. Moving beyond treating a specific disease or injury and addressing a patient’s future health are key parts of this plan. As healthcare professionals, we play a key role in public health, working as part of a global team with strong, clear and consistent public health messaging. In the UK, the British Association of Sport Rehabilitators and Trainers (BASRaT) is part of the Community Rehabilitation Alliance (an alliance of more than 50 charities and professional bodies that are all committed to improving commissioning, planning and delivery of rehabilitation). For each profession that is part of the alliance, in addition to being clinicians treating patients, we are working to influence system-wide change and legislation, breaking down professional barriers and supporting patients and people …



COVID-19 对全球健康和经济的负面影响增加了我们作为国际卫生和护理社区已经面临的巨大挑战。尽管普遍存在,但受健康差异影响的群体最敏锐地感受到了这些挑战。当世界卫生组织于 2018 年发布《全球体育活动行动计划》1 时,这是一项公共卫生行动呼吁,在大流行后似乎更具相关性。超越治疗特定疾病或伤害并解决患者未来的健康问题是该计划的关键部分。作为医疗保健专业人员,我们在公共卫生领域发挥着关键作用,作为全球团队的一员,我们提供强大、清晰和一致的公共卫生信息。在英国,英国运动康复者和训练师协会 (BASRaT) 是社区康复联盟(由 50 多家慈善机构和专业机构组成的联盟,致力于改善康复的委托、规划和交付)的一部分。对于联盟中的每个专业,除了作为治疗患者的临床医生外,我们还在努力影响全系统的变革和立法,打破专业障碍,支持患者和人民……