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From the South Side of Chicago to Berkeley, California with Stops in Between
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-16 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c03535
William A. Lester 1

Figure 1. William Lester, Jr., Man of The Year, University of Chicago, 1957. Reprinted with permission from the Cap & Gown Yearbook, Vol. 50, 1957, p 185. Photos by Roland Finston. Figure 2. IBM Outstanding Contribution Award, from IBM Research News, June, 1974. Reprint Courtesy of IBM Corporation Copyright 1974. Figure 3. “Bill Lester at Lawrence Berkeley” from IBM Research News Magazine, March/April 1978, p 7. Reprint Courtesy of IBM Corporation Copyright 1978. Figure 4. Closing of NRCC. Reprinted with permission from Chemical & Engineering News (1981, vol. 59, iss. 19, pp 28–30). Copyright 1981 ACS Publications. Figure 5. Explaining “truth sets” to first graders at Olinder Elementary School in San Jose, CA, IBM Magazine, September 1970, p 41. Reprint Courtesy of IBM Corporation Copyright 1970. Figure 6. Hooding Dr. John Harkless at UC Berkeley, College of Chemistry Commencement, 2000. Dr. Harkless is presently a Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Howard University. Figure 7. Excerpt from U. Chicago periodical Tower Topics, March 1957. Reprint Courtesy of the University of Chicago Magazine. Figure 8. William A. Lester, Jr. (2018) Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley. Views expressed in this Viewpoint are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the ACS. This Viewpoint is jointly published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry A/B/C. IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “IBM Copyright and trademark information” at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml. This article references 31 other publications. A Molecular Orbital Study of the Ground State of H3+. Placed in Dissertation Abstracts, Ann Arbor, MI. This article has not yet been cited by other publications. Figure 1. William Lester, Jr., Man of The Year, University of Chicago, 1957. Reprinted with permission from the Cap & Gown Yearbook, Vol. 50, 1957, p 185. Photos by Roland Finston. Figure 2. IBM Outstanding Contribution Award, from IBM Research News, June, 1974. Reprint Courtesy of IBM Corporation Copyright 1974. Figure 3. “Bill Lester at Lawrence Berkeley” from IBM Research News Magazine, March/April 1978, p 7. Reprint Courtesy of IBM Corporation Copyright 1978. Figure 4. Closing of NRCC. Reprinted with permission from Chemical & Engineering News (1981, vol. 59, iss. 19, pp 28–30). Copyright 1981 ACS Publications. Figure 5. Explaining “truth sets” to first graders at Olinder Elementary School in San Jose, CA, IBM Magazine, September 1970, p 41. Reprint Courtesy of IBM Corporation Copyright 1970. Figure 6. Hooding Dr. John Harkless at UC Berkeley, College of Chemistry Commencement, 2000. Dr. Harkless is presently a Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Howard University. Figure 7. Excerpt from U. Chicago periodical Tower Topics, March 1957. Reprint Courtesy of the University of Chicago Magazine. Figure 8. William A. Lester, Jr. (2018) Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley. This article references 31 other publications. A Molecular Orbital Study of the Ground State of H3+. Placed in Dissertation Abstracts, Ann Arbor, MI.



图 1. William Lester, Jr.,芝加哥大学年度人物,1957 年。经 Cap & Gown Yearbook, Vol. 许可重印。50, 1957, p 185。照片由 Roland Finston 拍摄。图 2. IBM 杰出贡献奖,来自IBM Research News,1974 年 6 月。Reprint Courtesy of IBM Corporation 版权所有 1974。 图 3. “Bill Lester at Lawrence Berkeley”,来自IBM Research News Magazine,1978 年 3 月/4 月,第 7 页。由 IBM Corporation 提供 版权所有 1978。 图 4. NRCC 的关闭。经《化学与工程新闻》许可转载(1981 年,第 59 卷,第 19 期,第 28-30 页)。版权所有 1981 ACS 出版物。图 5. 在加利福尼亚州圣何塞的 Olinder 小学向一年级学生解释“真相集”,IBM 杂志,1970 年 9 月,第 41 页。IBM Corporation 版权所有 1970 年重印。 图 6. 加州大学伯克利分校的 John Harkless 博士,化学学院毕业典礼,2000 年。Harkless 博士目前是霍华德大学化学系的教授。图 7. 摘自 U. Chicago 期刊 Tower Topics,1957 年 3 月。重印由芝加哥大学杂志提供。图 8. William A. Lester, Jr. (2018) 加州大学伯克利分校化学系名誉教授。本观点中表达的观点是作者的观点,不一定是 ACS 的观点。本观点联合发表于物理化学杂志 A / B / C。IBM、IBM 徽标和 ibm.com 是 International Business Machines Corporation 在全球许多司法管辖区注册的商标或注册商标。其他产品和服务名称可能是 IBM 或其他公司的商标。IBM 商标的最新列表可在网站 www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml 的“IBM 版权和商标信息”中找到。本文引用了其他 31 种出版物。H 3 +基态的分子轨道研究. 刊登在密歇根州安娜堡的论文摘要中。这篇文章尚未被其他出版物引用。图 1. William Lester, Jr.,芝加哥大学年度人物,1957 年。经 Cap & Gown Yearbook, Vol. 许可重印。50, 1957, p 185。照片由 Roland Finston 拍摄。图 2. IBM 杰出贡献奖,来自IBM Research News,1974 年 6 月。Reprint Courtesy of IBM Corporation 版权所有 1974。 图 3. “Bill Lester at Lawrence Berkeley”,来自IBM Research News Magazine,1978 年 3 月/4 月,第 7 页。由 IBM Corporation 提供 版权所有 1978。 图 4. NRCC 的关闭。经《化学与工程新闻》许可转载(1981 年,第 59 卷,第 19 期,第 28-30 页)。版权所有 1981 ACS 出版物。图 5. 在加利福尼亚州圣何塞的 Olinder 小学向一年级学生解释“真相集”,IBM 杂志,1970 年 9 月,第 41 页。IBM Corporation 版权所有 1970 年重印。 图 6. 加州大学伯克利分校的 John Harkless 博士,化学学院毕业典礼,2000 年。Harkless 博士目前是霍华德大学化学系的教授。图 7. 摘自 U. Chicago 期刊 Tower Topics,1957 年 3 月。重印由芝加哥大学杂志提供。图 8. William A. Lester, Jr. (2018) 加州大学伯克利分校化学系名誉教授。本文引用了其他 31 种出版物。H 3 +基态的分子轨道研究. 刊登在密歇根州安娜堡的论文摘要中。