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Return to work following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Acta Orthopaedica ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-14 , DOI: 10.2340/17453674.2022.3139
Anssi Arimaa 1 , Jani Knifsund 1 , Heli Keskinen 1 , Mika Kivimäki 2 , Ville Aalto 3 , Tuula Oksanen 4 , Keijo Mäkelä 1 , Jussi Vahtera 5 , Petteri Lankinen 6

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Amongst people of working age, the return to work (RTW) after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is an important marker of success of surgery. We determined when patients are able to return to work after ACL reconstruction and identified factors that are associated with the timing of RTW. PATIENTS AND METHODS We used logistic regression analyses to examine patient-related factors that may be associated with the length of RTW (above vs. below the median 59 days) after arthroscopic ACLR in a large cohort of patients working in the public sector in Finland (n = 803; n = 334 male, n = 469 female; mean age 41 years [SD 8.6]). RESULTS The mean length of RTW was 65 days (SD 41). Higher odds ratios (OR) were observed for age groups 40-49 and ≥ 50 years compared with ≤ 30 years old (OR 2.0, 95% confidence interval 1.3-3.1 and 2.0, 1.2-3.4, respectively); for lower level non-manual and manual work compared with higher level non-manual work (3.0, 2.0-4.3 and 4.9, 3.4-7.0, respectively); and for those who had been on sick leave > 30 days in the preceding year (2.0, 1.4-2.9). Sex, comorbid conditions, preceding antidepressant treatment and concomitant procedures were not associated with the length of RTW. INTERPRETATION Factors associated with prolonged sick leave beyond the median time of 59 days are higher age, lower occupational status, and preoperative sick leaves.



背景和目的 在工作年龄人群中,前交叉韧带 (ACL) 重建术后重返工作岗位 (RTW) 是手术成功的重要标志。我们确定了患者在 ACL 重建后何时能够重返工作岗位,并确定了与 RTW 时间相关的因素。患者和方法 我们使用逻辑回归分析来检查在芬兰公共部门工作的大量患者中关节镜 ACLR 后可能与 RTW 长度(高于或低于中位数 59 天)相关的患者相关因素( n = 803;n = 334 名男性,n = 469 名女性;平均年龄 41 岁 [SD 8.6])。结果 RTW 的平均长度为 65 天 (SD 41)。与 ≤ 30 岁组相比,40-49 岁和 ≥ 50 岁组的比值比 (OR) 更高(OR 2.0,95% 置信区间 1. 分别为 3-3.1 和 2.0、1.2-3.4);与较高级别的非体力工作相比,较低级别的非体力和体力工作(分别为 3.0、2.0-4.3 和 4.9、3.4-7.0);以及上一年病假超过 30 天的人员(2.0,1.4-2.9)。性别、合并症、之前的抗抑郁治疗和伴随手术与 RTW 的长度无关。解释 与超过 59 天中位时间的长期病假相关的因素是年龄较大、职业地位较低和术前病假。先前的抗抑郁治疗和伴随手术与 RTW 的长度无关。解释 与超过 59 天中位时间的长期病假相关的因素是年龄较大、职业地位较低和术前病假。先前的抗抑郁治疗和伴随手术与 RTW 的长度无关。解释 与超过 59 天中位时间的长期病假相关的因素是年龄较大、职业地位较低和术前病假。