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Intensive crop rotations and residue quality increase soil phosphorus lability under long-term no-till in tropical soils
Soil and Tillage Research ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2022.105446
João Paulo Gonsiorkiewicz Rigon , Carlos Alexandre Costa Crusciol , Juliano Carlos Calonego , Paulo Sérgio Pavinato , Antonio Carlos Azevedo , Ciro Antonio Rosolem

This study assessed soil Phosphorus (P) fractions and lability according to crops in rotation and crop residue P inputs under long-term no-till (NT) in weathered tropical soils. Two experiments were established in split-plot designs with fall-winter as the main plot and spring as the subplots. In one experiment, sunflower and triticale were grown in Typic Rhodudalf (TR) soil in fall-winter; in the other experiment, monocropped and intercropped ruzigrass and grain sorghum were grown in Rhodic Hapludox (RH) soil in fall-winter. In both experiments, sunn hemp, forage sorghum, and pearl millet were grown in the spring; an additional fallow treatment was established in spring in TR. Soybean was grown every year in the summer in both experiments. After 12 (TR) and 9 (RH) years, the crop residue quality (e.g. N content and lignin-N ratio) and P inputs of the various crops were assessed. In addition, soil P fractions were determined according to the Hedley procedure. High-quality residue enhanced P recycling by soybean under crop rotation with sunn hemp in both experiments, sunflower in TR, and ruzigrass in RH. Sunn hemp increased soil labile P by 13% compared with pearl millet in TR and by 40% compared with forage sorghum and pearl millet in RH. Forage sorghum in spring enhanced P mod-labile in TR, effect also observed for monocropped grain sorghum and ruzigrass in fall-winter in RH compared to both intercropped. In general, crop rotation under NT improved soil P lability, particularly the biological P pool, suggesting positive impacts from crop residue quality. The results of this study can be used to guide P fertilization strategies for NT cropping systems in tropical soils.



本研究根据风化热带土壤中轮作作物和长期免耕 (NT) 下作物残留磷输入,评估了土壤磷 (P) 组分和不稳定性。以秋冬为主区、春季为次区的裂区设计进行了两个实验。在一项实验中,秋冬季将向日葵和小黑麦种植在典型的 Rhodudalf (TR) 土壤中;在另一个实验中,秋冬季在Rhodic Hapludox(RH)土壤中种植单作和间作的紫草和粒用高粱。在这两个实验中,都在春季种植苋麻、饲料高粱和珍珠粟。春季,TR 建立了额外的休耕处理。在这两个实验中,每年夏季都会种植大豆。 12(TR)和9(RH)年后,评估了各种作物的作物残留物质量(例如氮含量和木质素-N比率)和磷输入。此外,根据赫德利程序测定土壤磷分数。在这两个实验中,优质残渣增强了大豆与苋麻轮作、TR 中的向日葵和 RH 中的紫草的磷回收。与TR中的珍珠粟相比,Sunn大麻使土壤不稳定磷增加了13%,与RH中的饲用高粱和珍珠粟相比,增加了40%。春季饲用高粱增强了TR中的磷变化,与间作相比,在秋季的RH中单作谷物高粱和苋草也观察到了这种效应。一般来说,NT下的作物轮作改善了土壤磷的不稳定性,特别是生物磷库,这表明作物残留物质量具有积极影响。本研究的结果可用于指导热带土壤 NT 耕作系统的磷肥策略。