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Panorama of COVID-19, risk perception and vaccine confidence in São Paulo State population, Southeast Brazil
Health and Social Care in the Community ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-11 , DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13872
Miriane Lucindo Zucoloto 1 , Andrea Cristina Meneghini 1 , Edson Zangiacomi Martinez 1

In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic remained uncontrolled in Brazil, with more than 17.6 million cases diagnosed and more than a half a million deaths in total. It is known that an accurate risk perception by populations and a consequent adherence to preventive measures can increase the effectiveness of policies to contain the transmission of infectious diseases. The objective of this study was to draw a panorama of COVID-19 in São Paulo State and investigate the population's risk perception about the new coronavirus, attitudes regarding preventive measures and vaccine confidence through an open web survey. A total of 1111 individuals participated (71.6% females). Of those, 15% declared themselves unemployed, almost 6% lost their jobs during the pandemic, and more than 30% suffered a decrease in their monthly income. As for the COVID-19, almost 32% of the participants were tested sometime in 2020, and 11.3% reported a confirmed diagnosis for a level of hospitalisation of 5%. As for the risk perception, it was observed that situations with crowds of people were more frequently considered as of high risk and cause of greater concern with contamination of family members than with themselves. Almost 23% of the participants questioned whether they would take the vaccine when available and do not know if the COVID-19 vaccine will be safe for the population. Almost 70% disagreed with the statement that the actions of the country's health authorities are effective in combating COVID-19. Considering the Cramer's V coefficient, these variables were not associated with gender or educational level.


巴西东南部圣保罗州人口的 COVID-19 全景图、风险认知和疫苗信心

2021 年,巴西的 COVID-19 大流行仍未得到控制,确诊病例超过 1760 万,死亡总人数超过 50 万。众所周知,人群准确的风险认知和随之而来的预防措施的遵守可以提高遏制传染病传播的政策的有效性。本研究的目的是绘制圣保罗州 COVID-19 的全景图,并通过公开的网络调查调查民众对新型冠状病毒的风险认知、对预防措施的态度和疫苗信心。共有 1111 人参加(71.6% 为女性)。其中,15% 的人宣布失业,近 6% 的人在大流行期间失去了工作,超过 30% 的人的月收入减少了。至于 COVID-19,近 32% 的参与者在 2020 年的某个时候接受了检测,11.3% 的参与者报告确诊为住院率 5%。至于风险认知,据观察,人群聚集的情况更常被认为是高风险的,并且比他们自己更担心家庭成员受到污染。近 23% 的参与者质疑他们是否会在可用时接种疫苗,并且不知道 COVID-19 疫苗对人群是否安全。近 70% 的人不同意该国卫生当局的行动在抗击 COVID-19 方面有效的说法。考虑到 Cramer 的 V 系数,这些变量与性别或教育水平无关。3% 报告确诊为住院率 5%。至于风险认知,据观察,人群聚集的情况更常被认为是高风险的,并且更令人担心家庭成员受到感染而不是自己受到感染。近 23% 的参与者质疑他们是否会在可用时接种疫苗,并且不知道 COVID-19 疫苗对人群是否安全。近 70% 的人不同意该国卫生当局的行动在抗击 COVID-19 方面有效的说法。考虑到 Cramer 的 V 系数,这些变量与性别或教育水平无关。3% 报告确诊为住院率 5%。至于风险认知,据观察,人群聚集的情况更常被认为是高风险的,并且比他们自己更担心家庭成员受到污染。近 23% 的参与者质疑他们是否会在可用时接种疫苗,并且不知道 COVID-19 疫苗对人群是否安全。近 70% 的人不同意该国卫生当局的行动在抗击 COVID-19 方面有效的说法。考虑到 Cramer 的 V 系数,这些变量与性别或教育水平无关。据观察,人群聚集的情况更常被认为是高风险的,并且更令人担心家庭成员受到感染而不是自己受到感染。近 23% 的参与者质疑他们是否会在可用时接种疫苗,并且不知道 COVID-19 疫苗对人群是否安全。近 70% 的人不同意该国卫生当局的行动在抗击 COVID-19 方面有效的说法。考虑到 Cramer 的 V 系数,这些变量与性别或教育水平无关。据观察,人群聚集的情况更常被认为是高风险的,并且更令人担心家庭成员受到感染而不是自己受到感染。近 23% 的参与者质疑他们是否会在可用时接种疫苗,并且不知道 COVID-19 疫苗对人群是否安全。近 70% 的人不同意该国卫生当局的行动在抗击 COVID-19 方面有效的说法。考虑到 Cramer 的 V 系数,这些变量与性别或教育水平无关。近 23% 的参与者质疑他们是否会在可用时接种疫苗,并且不知道 COVID-19 疫苗对人群是否安全。近 70% 的人不同意该国卫生当局的行动在抗击 COVID-19 方面有效的说法。考虑到 Cramer 的 V 系数,这些变量与性别或教育水平无关。近 23% 的参与者质疑他们是否会在可用时接种疫苗,并且不知道 COVID-19 疫苗对人群是否安全。近 70% 的人不同意该国卫生当局的行动在抗击 COVID-19 方面有效的说法。考虑到 Cramer 的 V 系数,这些变量与性别或教育水平无关。