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The Socioemotional Skills of Women for Intelligence Performance in the National Intelligence Directorate in Colombia
International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-13 , DOI: 10.1080/08850607.2022.2065224
Nadia García Sicard , César Niño


Traditionally, security issues in Colombia have been operated by military institutions with a high percentage of male participation. Since the creation of the National Intelligence Directorate (NID) in 2011, this masculinized and militarized environment of security issues has been transformed by the creation of a civilian institution with 45.7% female participation in highly recognized profiles. The participation of women in the institution has exposed socioemotional skills that characterize their strategic role at the NID. To research how gender distinction in socioemotional skills influences intelligence processes within the NID, eight semistructured interviews were conducted with seven women and one man, and a specialized literature review on the building of socioemotional skills distinction by gender was carried out. There were three main results: first, the NID has gender parity because, being a civilian agency, it clashes with a masculinized tradition of other military-based national intelligence agencies; second, the representative participation of women in strategic roles within the NID demonstrates that their socioemotional skills are a useful resource for intelligence activity; third, on the one hand, the overexploitation of socioemotional skills and “smart intelligence” leads to overburdening women in their tasks and responsibilities on both professional and personal levels, but on the other hand, it is harder for women to show results and be recognized for their work in the Colombian Intelligence Community.




传统上,哥伦比亚的安全问题一直由男性参与比例很高的军事机构负责。自 2011 年国家情报局 (NID) 成立以来,这种男性化和军事化的安全问题环境已经通过创建一个文职机构而得到改变,其中 45.7% 的女性参与了高度认可的工作。妇女参与该机构暴露了社会情感技能,这些技能是她们在 NID 的战略角色的特征。为了研究社会情感技能的性别差异如何影响 NID 内的智力过程,对七名女性和一名男性进行了八次半结构化访谈,并进行了关于按性别构建社会情感技能差异的专门文献综述。主要有三个结果:首先,NID 具有性别平等,因为作为一个文职机构,它与其他以军事为基础的国家情报机构的男性化传统相冲突;其次,女性在 NID 中担任战略角色的代表表明,她们的社会情感技能是情报活动的有用资源;第三,一方面,社会情感技能和“聪明才智”的过度开发导致女性在职业和个人层面的任务和责任负担过重,但另一方面,女性更难表现出成果并获得认可以表彰他们在哥伦比亚情报界的工作。它与其他以军事为基础的国家情报机构的男性化传统相冲突;其次,女性在 NID 中担任战略角色的代表表明,她们的社会情感技能是情报活动的有用资源;第三,一方面,社会情感技能和“聪明才智”的过度开发导致女性在职业和个人层面的任务和责任负担过重,但另一方面,女性更难表现出成果并获得认可以表彰他们在哥伦比亚情报界的工作。它与其他以军事为基础的国家情报机构的男性化传统相冲突;其次,女性在 NID 中担任战略角色的代表表明,她们的社会情感技能是情报活动的有用资源;第三,一方面,社会情感技能和“聪明才智”的过度开发导致女性在职业和个人层面的任务和责任负担过重,但另一方面,女性更难表现出成果并获得认可以表彰他们在哥伦比亚情报界的工作。
