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Turning the Stereotype against Itself: A VOC Clerk, “Hottentots”, and the Formation of Colonial Discourse
Critical Arts ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-14 , DOI: 10.1080/02560046.2022.2085314
Tycho Maas 1


Stereotyping has always permeated inter-ethnic understanding, conflating knowledge with prejudice. The seventeenth century European image of the Cape indigenous peoples was bound by a sustained ideological bias. The so-called “echo chamber of the discourse of the Cape” captured the Cape Khoi as primitive beasts in a negation of Christian values, and meant that knowledge about the Cape Khoi did not actually advance (Coetzee). In this paper I show that the Dutchman Jan Willem van Grevenbroek, VOC clerk at the Cape from 1684 to 1694, did in fact challenge the prevailing European image about the Khoi, then commonly called “Hottentots.” In a Latin letter, he positions himself against negative primitivism and interprets Khoi customs as authentically Christian. However, Grevenbroek thus risks being drawn into an oppositional discourse that limits the possibilities for renegotiating stereotypes (Hall; Matusitz). At the same time, he strategically demonstrates that the stereotype contains no inherent knowledge about the people and thus exploits one of the few possibilities to open ideological discourse up to renegotiation (Hall). Grevenbroek’s position challenges the very notion of there ever having been a single, colonial discourse (White), which makes Grevenbroek a valuable voice in Cape history, post-colonial discourse, and the history of knowledge in South Africa and beyond.


扭转刻板印象:VOC 职员、“Hottentots”和殖民话语的形成


刻板印象一直渗透到种族间的理解中,将知识与偏见混为一谈。十七世纪欧洲人对开普敦原住民的印象受到持续的意识形态偏见的束缚。所谓的“科伊角话语的回音室”将科伊角描述为原始野兽,否定了基督教价值观,这意味着关于科伊角的知识实际上并没有进步(Coetzee)。在本文中,我展示了荷兰人 Jan Willem van Grevenbroek(1684 年至 1694 年在开普敦担任 VOC 职员)实际上挑战了欧洲关于科伊人的普遍形象,科伊人当时通常被称为“霍屯督人”。在一封拉丁文信中,他反对消极的原始主义,并将科伊习俗解释为真正的基督教。然而,因此,Grevenbroek 冒着被卷入一种对立话语的风险,这种话语限制了重新协商刻板印象的可能性(Hall;Matusitz)。同时,他战略性地证明了刻板印象不包含关于人民的内在知识,因此利用了为数不多的可能性之一来打开意识形态话语以进行重新谈判(霍尔)。Grevenbroek 的立场挑战了曾经存在过单一的殖民话语(怀特)的观念,这使得 Grevenbroek 在开普敦历史、后殖民话语以及南非及其他地区的知识史中成为一个有价值的声音。他从战略上证明,刻板印象不包含关于人民的固有知识,因此利用了为数不多的开放意识形态话语以进行重新谈判的可能性之一(霍尔)。Grevenbroek 的立场挑战了曾经存在过单一的殖民话语(怀特)的观念,这使得 Grevenbroek 在开普敦历史、后殖民话语以及南非及其他地区的知识史中成为一个有价值的声音。他从战略上证明,刻板印象不包含关于人民的固有知识,因此利用了为数不多的开放意识形态话语以进行重新谈判的可能性之一(霍尔)。Grevenbroek 的立场挑战了曾经存在过单一的殖民话语(怀特)的观念,这使得 Grevenbroek 在开普敦历史、后殖民话语以及南非及其他地区的知识史中成为一个有价值的声音。
