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A feasibility analysis into urban road runoff harvesting in the planned township of New Town, West Bengal, India
Hydrological Sciences Journal ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-13 , DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2022.2079417
Deblina Mitra 1 , Suranjana Banerji 1


Urbanization and water resources are in a constant state of strife. With escalating priority given to real estate water needs, the global water resources have witnessed a decline. Consequently, planned locales like New Town (Rajarhat) in West Bengal (India) are in dire need of alternative water resources to supplement the present water supplies without adversely affecting the environment. An attempt is made here to propose an alternative urban runoff harvesting system, using road-wash water to fulfil the water demands of construction, vehicular washing, gardening, firefighting, etc. For this purpose, impervious surfaces including road surfaces have been identified using Sentinel2A imagery, following which the highest density road areas have been identified for designing a prospective road-wash harvesting and injection well model. The dimensions generated from this study suggest that 8000 m3 of water may be stored in eight such prospective design units, which will reduce water footprints and even recharge aquifers once implemented.




城市化和水资源一直处于冲突状态。随着房地产用水需求的日益优先,全球水资源出现了下降。因此,西孟加拉邦(印度)的新城(拉贾哈特)等规划中的地区迫切需要替代水资源来补充目前的供水,而不会对环境产生不利影响。这里尝试提出一种替代的城市径流收集系统,使用道路冲洗水来满足建筑、车辆清洗、园艺、消防等的用水需求。为此,使用 Sentinel2A 识别了包括路面在内的不透水表面图像,然后确定了密度最高的道路区域,用于设计未来的道路冲洗收获和注入井模型。3的水可以储存在八个这样的前瞻性设计单元中,一旦实施,这将减少水足迹,甚至补给含水层。
