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Optical and biogeochemical properties of diverse Belgian inland and coastal waters
Earth System Science Data ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-10 , DOI: 10.5194/essd-14-2697-2022
Alexandre Castagna , Luz Amadei Martínez , Margarita Bogorad , Ilse Daveloose , Renaat Dasseville , Heidi Melita Dierssen , Matthew Beck , Jonas Mortelmans , Héloïse Lavigne , Ana Dogliotti , David Doxaran , Kevin Ruddick , Wim Vyverman , Koen Sabbe

From 2017 to 2019, an extensive sampling campaign was conducted in Belgian inland and coastal waters, aimed at providing paired data of optical and biogeochemical properties to support research into optical monitoring of aquatic systems. The campaign was focused on inland waters, with sampling of four lakes and a coastal lagoon during the growth season, in addition to samples of opportunity from other four lakes. Campaigns also included the Scheldt estuary over a tidal cycle and two sampling campaigns in the Belgian coastal zone. Measured parameters include inherent optical properties (absorption, scattering and beam attenuation coefficients, near-forward volume scattering function, turbidity), apparent optical properties (Secchi disc depth, substrate and water-leaving Lambert-equivalent bi-hemispherical reflectance), and biogeochemical properties (suspended particulate matter, mineral fraction of particle mass, particle size distribution, pigment concentration, DNA metabarcoding, flow microscopy counts, and bottom type classification). The diversity of water bodies and environmental conditions covered a wide range of system states. The chlorophyll a concentration varied from 0.63 to 382.72 mg m−3, while the suspended particulate matter concentration varied from 1.02 to 791.19 g m−3, with mineral fraction varying from 0 to 0.95. Depending on system and season, phytoplankton assemblages were dominated by cyanobacteria, green algae (Mamiellophyceae, Pyramimonadophyceae), or diatoms. The dataset is available from https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.940240 (Castagna et al., 2022).



从 2017 年到 2019 年,在比利时内陆和沿海水域开展了广泛的采样活动,旨在提供光学和生物地球化学特性的配对数据,以支持对水生系统的光学监测研究。该活动的重点是内陆水域,在生长季节对四个湖泊和一个沿海泻湖进行了采样,此外还有来自其他四个湖泊的机会样本。活动还包括潮汐周期的斯海尔德河口和比利时沿海地区的两次采样活动。测量的参数包括固有光学特性(吸收、散射和光束衰减系数、近前向体积散射函数、浊度)、表观光学特性(塞奇圆盘深度、基板和离开水的朗伯等效双半球反射率)、和生物地球化学性质(悬浮颗粒物、颗粒质量的矿物部分、粒度分布、色素浓度、DNA 元条形码、流式显微镜计数和底部类型分类)。水体和环境条件的多样性涵盖了广泛的系统状态。叶绿素 a浓度从 0.63 到 382.72  mg m -3不等,而悬浮颗粒物浓度从 1.02 到 791.19  g m -3不等,矿物分数从 0 到 0.95 不等。根据系统和季节的不同,浮游植物组合以蓝藻、绿藻(Mamiellophyceae、Pyramimonadophyceae)或硅藻为主。该数据集可从 https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.940240 (Castagna et al., 2022)获得。