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The Power of Consumer Activism: An Interview With Leah Margulies1 [Part 1]
Journal of Human Lactation ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-09 , DOI: 10.1177/08903344221099283
Leah Margulies 1 , Maryse Arendt 2

Leah Margulies was Director of the Infant Formula Program at the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility in NYC from 1975 to 1985. She is a founder of the International Nestlé Boycott, Corporate Accountability (formerly INFACT), and one of the founders of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN). She was hired at UNICEF in 1982 to set up the legal office for implementation of the International Code of Marketing Breast-Milk Substitutes, as part of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative. Previously, she was legal advisor to the Environment Unit of the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations. From 2006 to 2016, she was Project Director of LawHelpNY at the NYC Bar Association. Currently, she works for a legal non-profit, representing low-income Brooklynites, defending them against eviction. She is a lawyer, a second Wave Feminist, and a member of Veteran Feminists of America. She is also a musician and founding member of a pioneering women’s rock band that played at the first national women’s march for abortion rights in Washington, DC, 1972.


消费者行动主义的力量:Leah Margulies 访谈1 [第 1 部分]

Leah Margulies 于 1975 年至 1985 年间担任纽约跨宗教企业责任中心婴儿配方奶粉项目主任。她是国际雀巢抵制、企业责任(以前称为 INFACT)的创始人之一,也是国际婴儿食品的创始人之一行动网络(IBFAN)。 1982 年,她受聘于联合国儿童基金会,成立法律办公室,负责实施《国际母乳代用品销售守则》,作为爱婴医院计划的一部分。此前,她曾担任联合国跨国公司中心环境部门的法律顾问。 2006 年至 2016 年,她担任纽约市律师协会 LawHelpNY 项目总监。目前,她在一家合法的非营利组织工作,代表低收入的布鲁克林人,保护他们免遭驱逐。她是一名律师、第二波女权主义者和美国退伍女权主义者的成员。她还是一位音乐家,也是一支先锋女性摇滚乐队的创始成员,该乐队于 1972 年在华盛顿特区参加了第一届全国妇女争取堕胎权游行。
