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Deposition analysis and the hidden life of Bronze Age houses
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2022.101433
Martin Kuna , Andrea Němcová , Tereza Šálková , Petr Menšík , Ondřej Chvojka

This paper deals with the application of deposition analysis to an unusual type of features in the Late Bronze Age settlements in Central Europe. These are long narrow trenches (referred to as ‘long pits’ in this text) with characteristic standard form and alignment, as well as find contents, including high amounts of secondary-burned pottery fragments. In the context of prehistoric research, these features represent a relatively new phenomenon that has attracted attention in the last two decades due to new excavations in Bohemia and Bavaria. Based on the finds from Březnice (Czechia), the authors conclude that the long pits were connected with the closing rituals following the abandonment and burial of dwellings. Although no houses were directly documented on this site, their presence must be assumed, and their cultural biography can be reconstructed from the depositional characteristics of the accompanying finds. In order to fully understand the processes of deposition, the authors find it useful to focus not only on human agency but also on the relationships between the things themselves. This way, houses are understood as the central element of a hybrid actor-network. Their role may have been strengthened by their ontological status of living beings.



本文讨论了将沉积分析应用于中欧青铜时代晚期定居点的一种不寻常类型的特征。这些是具有特征标准形状和排列的狭长沟槽(本文中称为“长坑”),以及发现的内容,包括大量二次烧制的陶器碎片。在史前研究的背景下,这些特征代表了一个相对较新的现象,由于波希米亚和巴伐利亚的新发掘,在过去的二十年中引起了人们的关注。根据来自 Březnice(捷克)的发现,作者得出结论,这些长坑与住宅被遗弃和埋葬后的关闭仪式有关。尽管该站点上没有直接记录房屋,但必须假设它们的存在,他们的文化传记可以从伴随发现的沉积特征中重建。为了充分理解沉积的过程,作者发现不仅关注人类能动性而且关注事物本身之间的关系是有用的。通过这种方式,房屋被理解为混合参与者网络的核心元素。他们的角色可能因他们的生物本体论地位而得到加强。
