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The fish can rot from the heart, not just the head: Exploring the detrimental impact of transgressions by leaders at multiple levels of an organization
British Journal of Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-09 , DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12551
Mazlan Maskor 1 , Martin P Fladerer 2 , Polly Fong 1 , Niklas K Steffens 1 , S Alexander Haslam 1

In this registered report, we examined the effect of transgressions committed by leaders working at different group levels within an organization on employee outcomes. Based on social identity theorizing, we argued that organizational leader transgressions would affect organizational members’ experiences only at the organizational level, but that workgroup leader transgressions would impact organizational members’ experiences at both workgroup and organizational levels. To test these ideas, we developed a 2 (leader group affiliation: workgroup vs. organizational) × 2 (leader behaviour: normative vs. transgressive) between-subjects experimental paradigm. As hypothesized, both workgroup and organizational leader transgressions resulted in decreased organizational identification and perceived organizational leader effectiveness. Contrary to our prediction, transgressions of both workgroup and organizational leaders were similarly detrimental to workers’ workgroup identification. However, as predicted, a transgressive workgroup leader had a greater negative impact on perceived workgroup leader effectiveness than a transgressive organizational leader. When outliers were excluded, a workgroup leader’s transgression was found to be more detrimental to work performance than an organizational leader’s transgression. Overall, this study demonstrates that the transgressions of lower-level workgroup leaders can be as detrimental – and in some cases more detrimental – to workers than the transgressions of higher-level organizational leaders.



在这份注册报告中,我们研究了在组织内不同团队级别工作的领导者所犯的违规行为对员工绩效的影响。基于社会认同理论,我们认为组织领导者的越界只会影响组织成员在组织层面的体验,而工作组领导的越界会影响组织成员在工作组和组织层面的体验。为了测试这些想法,我们开发了一个 2(领导小组隶属关系:工作小组与组织)×2(领导行为:规范与越轨)的主体间实验范式。正如假设的那样,工作组和组织领导者的违规行为都会导致组织认同感和感知到的组织领导者效能下降。与我们的预测相反,工作组和组织领导者的违规行为同样不利于工人的工作组认同。然而,正如预测的那样,一个越轨的工作组领导比一个越轨的组织领导对感知到的工作组领导效率有更大的负面影响。当异常值被排除在外时,发现工作组领导的违规行为比组织领导的违规行为对工作绩效的危害更大。总的来说,这项研究表明,与高层组织领导者的违规行为相比,较低级别的工作组领导者的违规行为对员工的危害可能更大——在某些情况下甚至更有害。正如预测的那样,一个越轨的工作组领导比一个越轨的组织领导对感知到的工作组领导效率有更大的负面影响。当异常值被排除在外时,发现工作组领导的违规行为比组织领导的违规行为对工作绩效的危害更大。总的来说,这项研究表明,与高层组织领导者的违规行为相比,较低级别的工作组领导者的违规行为对员工的危害可能更大——在某些情况下甚至更有害。正如预测的那样,一个越轨的工作组领导比一个越轨的组织领导对感知到的工作组领导效率有更大的负面影响。当异常值被排除在外时,发现工作组领导的违规行为比组织领导的违规行为对工作绩效的危害更大。总的来说,这项研究表明,与高层组织领导者的违规行为相比,较低级别的工作组领导者的违规行为对员工的危害可能更大——在某些情况下甚至更有害。研究发现,工作组领导者的违规行为比组织领导者的违规行为对工作绩效的危害更大。总的来说,这项研究表明,与高层组织领导者的违规行为相比,较低级别的工作组领导者的违规行为对员工的危害可能更大——在某些情况下甚至更有害。研究发现,工作组领导者的违规行为比组织领导者的违规行为对工作绩效的危害更大。总的来说,这项研究表明,与高层组织领导者的违规行为相比,较低级别的工作组领导者的违规行为对员工的危害可能更大——在某些情况下甚至更有害。