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Mapping violence onto the body of the ‘other’ in Julie Taymor's Titus (1999)
Cahiers Élisabéthains Pub Date : 2022-04-12 , DOI: 10.1177/01847678221092793
Nora Galland 1

In Julie Taymor's film Titus (1999), which adapts Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus, the Roman nation is both violated and violent. Taymor exposes the audience to different kinds of violence – intrafamilial, political, sexual, as well as revenge, infanticide, and racism – all of which are mapped onto characters who are othered by race, ethnicity, gender, or posthumous banishment. This article aims at exploring the relationship between othering and violence in the construction of nationhood. The one who others, the author contends, is also othered, because of the cycle of violence at stake in the film.


在 Julie Taymor 的 Titus (1999) 中将暴力映射到“他者”的身体上

在改编莎士比亚的泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯 (Titus Andronicus) 的朱莉·泰莫 (Julie Taymor) 的电影《泰特斯》(Titus) (1999) 中,罗马民族既受到侵犯,又受到暴力侵害。泰莫向观众展示了不同类型的暴力——家庭内部的、政治的、性的,以及复仇、杀婴和种族主义——所有这些都映射到了因种族、民族、性别或死后被放逐而不同的角色身上。本文旨在探讨国家建构中他者与暴力的关系。作者认为,由于电影中的暴力循环,导致他人的人也被他人抛弃了。