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Down by the river: Rotterdam seen from Bolles + Wilson’s Luxor Theatre
The Journal of Architecture ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-04 , DOI: 10.1080/13602365.2021.1944275
Lars Lerup 1

Circumnavigating Bolles + Wilson’s Luxor Theatre (1996–2001) in Rotterdam, this article explores the complex relationality between the building and the urban field that surrounds it. Reflecting on the ongoing postwar reconstruction of the area, it opens with the reading of a flattened image distanced in space and time — a WWII-era aerial photograph of the bombed city — before shifting to the present and to observational positions that are about being upon surfaces, both of ground and water, and the differential temporalities they imply. In the circumambulation of the building, the subtlety of its torqueing form comes into focus as something that does not only spatially respond to external and internal velocities and patterns of movement but that also sets up a force-field that implicates and gestures to the longer history of the site — a history articulated and brought to the fore by the various interventions in the surrounding urban landscape developed by Bolles + Wilson.


在河边:从 Bolles + Wilson 的卢克索剧院看到的鹿特丹

本文在鹿特丹的 Bolles + Wilson 的卢克索剧院 (1996-2001) 中环游,探讨了建筑与周围城市领域之间的复杂关系。回顾该地区正在进行的战后重建,它首先阅读了一张在空间和时间上保持距离的扁平图像——一张二战时期被轰炸城市的航空照片——然后转移到现在和即将到来的观察位置地面和水的表面,以及它们所暗示的不同时间性。在建筑物的环绕中,