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Vinegar in the Wine Cellar: Food Distribution at Fort Arad 600 BCE
Tel Aviv ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/03344355.2021.1958621
Baruch Rosen 1 , Etan Ayalon 2

The well-organized food distribution to the military practiced at the fort of Arad ca. 600 BCE is analysed based on the Arad Ostraca, specifically Ostracon 2, which is concerned with food rations and management of stored wine. Wine quality was assured by inspection ordered by the commander of the fort and executed by the quartermaster. Vinegar played a significant role in the distribution associated with wine. As wine went bad in storage and turned to vinegar, the commander of the fort presented the vinegar as a gift to mercenaries who received their rations from Arad. The Arad gifting was comparable to that mentioned in the Book of Ruth, where Bethlehem harvesters received food and Ruth was gifted vinegar as a relish.


酒窖里的醋:公元前 600 年阿拉德堡的食物分配

大约在阿拉德堡进行了有组织的向军队分发食物。公元前 600 年的分析基于 Arad Ostraca,特别是 Ostracon 2,它与食品配给和储存葡萄酒的管理有关。酒的质量是由堡垒指挥官下令并由军需官执行的检查来保证的。醋在与葡萄酒相关的分销中发挥了重要作用。由于酒在储存中变质并变成醋,堡垒指挥官将醋作为礼物送给从阿拉德那里得到口粮的雇佣兵。阿拉德的礼物与《路得记》中提到的相提并论,伯利恒的收割者收到了食物,路得则得到了醋作为调味品。