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Body relations and the black hole
International Forum of Psychoanalysis ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/0803706x.2021.1972139
Judy K. Eekhoff

Abstract The psychic Black Hole is a primitive psychosomatic representation of undifferentiation and loss of the vanished mother of infancy. It is evoked during a psychic collapse, originated when awareness of the reality of separation from the mother comes in too soon. Its repetition creates an implosion into the self instead of an explosion into the receiving other. The catastrophe that it marks is an overwhelming affective storm that has resulted from a loss of the containing (m)other and a subsequent annihilation of the self. As a sign or a signal used for self-regulation, the Black Hole marks a deficit in the ability to symbolize that evokes states of meaninglessness, nothingness, and hopelessness.



摘要 心灵黑洞是消失的婴儿母亲未分化和丧失的原始心身表征。它是在精神崩溃期间引发的,起源于对与母亲分离现实的意识过早进入时。它的重复创造了对自我的内爆,而不是对接受者的爆炸。它所标志着的灾难是一场压倒性的情感风暴,它是由失去包容的(m)他者和随后的自我毁灭造成的。作为用于自我调节的标志或信号,黑洞标志着象征能力的缺陷,这会唤起无意义、虚无和绝望的状态。