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Excavating the archives: the Domus M. Lucretii IX 3, 5.24 at Pompeii - R. Berg, and I. Kuivalainen, eds. 2019. Domus Pompeiana M. Lucretii IX 3, 5.24: The Inscriptions, Works of Art and Finds from the Old and New Excavations. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 136. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Pp. 323, with black-and-white and color figs. ISBN 978-951-653-433-9.
Journal of Roman Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-09 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047759421000593
Ambra Spinelli 1

This volume is the first of a series of books that will publish almost two decades of archaeological research that the University of Helsinki undertook at Insula IX 3 at Pompeii. It provides a detailed analysis of the corpus of finds, works of art, and inscriptions recorded in the large domestic complex at IX 3, 5.24 (the so-called Casa di Marco Lucrezio), from the first excavations carried out in 1847 to the more recent ones undertaken between 2002 and 2012 by the “Expeditio Pompeiana Universitatis Helsingiensis” (EPUH). Edited by Ria Berg (B.) and Ilkka Kuivalainen (K.), the book is organized into three major sections (“Le iscrizioni parietali,” “Finds from the 1847 excavations,” and “New finds from the 2001–2010 excavation campaigns”) which include 12 essays written by an eclectic team of scholars who have analyzed, interpreted, and assembled an enormous amount of data to build an understanding of the last phases of activities carried out within the Casa di Marco Lucrezio.


挖掘档案:Domus M. Lucretii IX 3, 5.24 at Pompeii - R. Berg 和 I. Kuivalainen 合编。2019. Domus Pompeiana M. Lucretii IX 3, 5.24:新旧发掘的铭文、艺术品和发现。评论 Humanarum Litterarum 136. 赫尔辛基:Societas Scientiarum Fennica。聚丙烯。323,带有黑白和彩色无花果。国际标准书号 978-951-653-433-9。

本书是赫尔辛基大学在庞贝岛 Insula IX 3 开展的近 20 年考古研究系列丛书的第一卷。它详细分析了记录在 IX 3, 5.24(所谓的 Casa di Marco Lucrezio)的大型国内建筑群中的发现、艺术品和铭文,从 1847 年进行的第一次挖掘到更多最近由“Expeditio Pompeiana Universitatis Helsingiensis”(EPUH)在 2002 年至 2012 年期间进行的。这本书由 Ria Berg (B.) 和 Ilkka Kuivalainen (K.) 编辑,分为三个主要部分(“Le iscrizioni parietali”、“1847 年发掘的发现”和“2001-2010 年发掘活动的新发现” ”)其中包括由不拘一格的学者团队撰写的 12 篇论文,他们分析、解释、