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Gangsterismo: The United States, Cuba and the Mafia, 1933 to 1966 and Celia Sánchez Manduley: The Life and Legacy of a Cuban Revolutionary
Journal of Cold War Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1162/jcws_r_01033
Radoslav Yordanov

One of Kaufman’s more controversial arguments is the link between Plowshare tests and the emergence of the modern U.S. environmental movement in the 1960s. As early as 1959 AEC efforts to get approval for the Chariot project resulted in government funding for a major bioenvironmental study on the possible impact on the Alaskan environment. Kaufman acknowledges the seminal role of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring (published in 1962) in spurring environmentalism, but he suggests the impact of the book was magnified by the growing sensitivity over nuclear contamination from testing. Kaufman covers much of the same ground that Scott Kirsch does in his Proving Grounds: Project Plowshare and the Unrealized Dream of Nuclear Earthmoving (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2005), though Kirsch writes from the perspective of a historical geographer. Kaufman’s Project Plowshare is thoroughly researched and does a fine job of weaving together the scientific, political, environmental, and diplomatic strands of the Plowshare program. The volume is also quite readable, though a bit repetitive at times. Project Plowshare will be of interest to historians of science, the Cold War, the U.S. nuclear program, and the U.S. environmental movement.