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Michael Goldfield. The Southern Key. Class, Race, and Radicalism in the 1930s and 1940s. Oxford University Press, New York [etc.] 2020. ix, 416 pp. £32.99.
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859021000055
Michael K. Honey

tions” (p. ). The author also makes a significant contribution by locating Posadas’s eccentricity in the broader context of the s and s, when both the possibility of nuclear apocalypse and interest in ufology and the space race were actually widespread. Gittlitz rightly points out that the peak of Posadas’s political influence “overlapped with the more ardent period of the space race” (p. ). Both in the introduction and in the conclusion of his book, Gittlitz –whose first name, as with J. Posadas, remains a completely mystery to the reader – seems to suggest that there is something more than irony in the recent reappraisal of Posadism through memes and jokes, namely the appeal of apocalyptical perspectives in a time of crisis and climate catastrophe. Even if one is not willing to go that far, it is worth celebrating the idea that prompted the author towrite a useful book that sheds light on the history of revolutionary ideas andmovements in the twentieth century.


迈克尔·戈德菲尔德。南方之钥。1930 年代和 1940 年代的阶级、种族和激进主义。牛津大学出版社,纽约 [等] 2020. ix,416 页,32.99 英镑。

化”(第 )。作者还通过将波萨达斯的怪癖定位在  和  的更广泛背景下做出了重大贡献,当时核灾难的可能性以及对不明飞行物和太空竞赛的兴趣实际上都很普遍。吉特利茨正确地指出,波萨达斯政治影响力的顶峰“与更激烈的太空竞赛时期重叠”(p. )。在他的书的引言和结论中,Gittlitz——他的名字,和 J. Posadas 一样,对读者来说仍然是一个完全的谜——似乎暗示着最近通过模因对 Posadism 的重新评估中存在的不仅仅是讽刺和笑话,即在危机和气候灾难时期世界末日观点的吸引力。即使一个人不愿意走那么远,