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Workers’ Inquiry and Global Class Struggle. Strategies, Tactics, Objectives. Ed. by Robert Ovetz. Pluto Press, London 2020, 288 pp. £75.00 (Paper: £19.99; E-book: £19.99)
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-15 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859021000560
Rosa Kösters 1

with hierarchies and differences themselves. Matsukawa impressively makes that point while simultaneously helping readers see the integral cohesion discernible in these durable subnational communities of migrants. The three excursuses that conclude the book are brief but invaluable. Rahman’s yields some basic detail about the Bangladeshi component of the foreign workforce in Arabia and their experiences in this transnational migration system. More specifically, the excursus helps readers grapple with how the visa bureaucracies and forms appear to potential Bangladeshi migrants: his descriptions of work visas, flying visas, and free visas barely slaked our thirst for more detail and discussion. Janardhan’s excursus – really more of a personal essay (or, nowadays, an “auto-ethnography” perhaps) – was both multifaceted and intellectually titillating. Indeed, it is the sorts of experiences and sentiments expressed here – ambivalent, nuanced, equivocal, uncertain, considerate – that, through a process of omission, selective listening, and elision, frequently get whittled down and marshaled into the dominant academic narratives that occupy the academic limelight. To encounter those experiences and sentiments in their holistic form was absolutely welcome. Finally, Matsukawa and Hosada’s concluding excursus briefly portrays the panoply of educational opportunities that migrants’ children face in the Arab Gulf States, and how their careers and aspirations are mapped on those opportunities. In summary, this collection is a welcome addition to the growing canon of work concerned with migrants and migration to the Arab Gulf States. Any book that trains its focus on the superdiverse demographic concoctions typical of the region might be criticized for its omissions, but this is to be expected: the coagulation of research concerning migrants from the Philippines present in this collection, for example, only illuminates the absence of attention to other national communities of migrants. And English is obviously not the first language for most of these authors – there are typos and grammatical slippages that pepper the book. But this “criticism” points to what I suggest is the most valuable aspect of this book: in drawing together a group of contributors whose academic footprints were largely crafted outside the citadel ofWestern academia, this edited collection visits numerous topics, ideas, and perspectives that would otherwise never breach the surface in our growingly cosmopolitan academic network. Amidst the centripetal pressures and homogeneity of global academia, the ideological diversity manifest in this collection has a clear value to us all.


工人调查和全球阶级斗争。战略、战术、目标。埃德。罗伯特·奥维茨。Pluto Press,伦敦 2020,288 页。75.00 英镑(纸质:19.99 英镑;电子书:19.99 英镑)

具有等级和差异本身。松川令人印象深刻地指出了这一点,同时帮助读者看到了这些持久的地方移民社区中的整体凝聚力。本书结尾的三个附言简短但非常宝贵。拉赫曼提供了一些关于阿拉伯外国劳动力中孟加拉国部分的基本细节,以及他们在这个跨国移民系统中的经历。更具体地说,附言帮助读者了解签证官僚机构和表格对潜在的孟加拉国移民的看法:他对工作签证、飞行签证和免费签证的描述几乎没有满足我们对更多细节和讨论的渴望。Janardhan 的附言——实际上更像是一篇个人论文(或者,现在,也许是一篇“自我民族志”)——既是多方面的,又是在智力上令人兴奋的。事实上,正是在这里表达的各种经验和情感——矛盾的、细微的、模棱两可的、不确定的、体贴的——通过省略、选择性倾听和省略的过程,经常被削弱并编入占主导地位的学术叙事中。学术风头。绝对欢迎以整体形式遇到这些经历和情感。最后,Matsukawa 和 Hosada 的结论性附言简要描述了移民子女在阿拉伯海湾国家面临的各种教育机会,以及他们的职业和抱负如何映射到这些机会上。总而言之,这个集合是对移民和向阿拉伯海湾国家移民的日益增长的工作规范的一个受欢迎的补充。任何将重点放在该地区典型的超级多样化人口混合物上的书都可能会因其遗漏而受到批评,但这是意料之中的:例如,本集中对来自菲律宾的移民的研究的凝聚,仅说明了缺席其他国家移民社区的关注。对于这些作者中的大多数人来说,英语显然不是第一语言——这本书经常出现拼写错误和语法错误。但这种“批评”指出了我认为这本书最有价值的方面:汇集了一群学术足迹主要在西方学术界之外精心制作的贡献者,这个编辑的集合访问了许多主题、想法、以及在我们日益国际化的学术网络中永远不会浮出水面的观点。在全球学术界的向心压力和同质化中,这本书中体现的意识形态多样性对我们所有人都有明显的价值。