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Vulnerability and marginalisation at sea: maritime search and rescue, and the meaning of ‘place of safety’
International Journal of Law in Context ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s1744552322000076
Ainhoa Campàs Velasco 1

AbstractThis paper proposes an integrating interpretation of the term ‘place of safety’ in the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979, grounded in international human rights and refugee law. It argues that the exposure to harm as a consequence of the conditions under which sea migrants endure irregular journeys raises vulnerability concerns and the need to search for mechanisms of redress. It further claims that sea migrants are marginalised by states’ refusal to allow their disembarkation on land. It also argues that a narrow interpretation of the term ‘place of safety’ risks perpetuating, if not exacerbating, situations of vulnerability and marginalisation among sea migrants. Key themes addressed in this contribution are vulnerability and marginalisation of sea migrants, vulnerability reasoning in the interpretation process and the scope for a more integrating reading of the term ‘place of safety’ that is responsive to the specific needs among sea migrants.



摘要本文基于国际人权法和难民法,对 1979 年《国际海上搜救公约》中的“安全地点”一词提出了综合解释。它认为,由于海上移民经历不规则旅行的条件而受到伤害,这引发了对脆弱性的担忧,并需要寻找补救机制。它进一步声称,由于各国拒绝允许他们在陆地上登陆,海上移民被边缘化。它还认为,对“安全地点”一词的狭义解释有可能使海洋移民的脆弱性和边缘化状况持续存在,甚至加剧。本文稿涉及的关键主题是海洋移民的脆弱性和边缘化,