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Linguistic Landscape of Bilingual Shop Signs in Saudi Arabia
Arab World English Journal ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-24 , DOI: 10.24093/awej/vol13no1.28
Wafa Jeza Alotaibi , Ohoud Alamri

Shop signs are a visible indication of the linguistic landscape of a place, hence the need for public policies to control, particularly, bottom-up signs in situations where there are issues, such ensuring consistency and correct representation in the second language. To investigate the linguistic landscape of bilingual shop signs in Saudi Arabia, this study examines the lettering in bilingual shop signs in shopping malls in Riyadh and Jeddah in terms of relative size, information, and the quality of English-Arabic (E-A) and Arabic-English (A-E) transliteration or translation. This was done in view of the national policy in Saudi Arabia which aims to ensure correct Arabisation when inconsistencies have been observed in the Arab world. Moreover, it gives an indication of the linguistic landscape, which is necessary given the need to prepare the kingdom for the Saudi 2030 Vision and cater to the growing number of international visitors. Altogether, 184 signboards were observed and categorised, of which 68 were shortlisted for further analysis. Of these, 54 were A-E signs and 17 were E-A signs, with two in both categories. The majority (83.3%) of signs were bilingual with slight variation in relative size and display of information. Same sized lettering was displayed in 66.7%, and the same information in 64.8%. Remedial suggestions are given for language policy-makers to address the issue found of a few inconsistent and erroneous transliterations and spellings, which together accounted for 9.3%. Overall, the case is not as bad in Saudi Arabia as noted in some other Arab countries



商店标志是一个地方语言环境的明显指示,因此需要公共政策来控制,特别是在存在问题的情况下自下而上的标志,例如确保第二语言的一致性和正确表示。为了调查沙特阿拉伯双语店牌的语言景观,本研究从相对大小、信息以及英语-阿拉伯语 (EA) 和阿拉伯语的质量等方面检查了利雅得和吉达购物中心双语店牌中的字母。英语 (AE) 音译或翻译。这样做是鉴于沙特阿拉伯的国家政策旨在确保在阿拉伯世界出现不一致时正确阿拉伯化。此外,它给出了语言景观的指示,鉴于需要为沙特 2030 愿景做好准备并迎合越来越多的国际游客,这是必要的。共有 184 个招牌被观察和分类,其中 68 个入围作进一步分析。其中,54 个为 AE 体征,17 个为 EA 体征,两个类别中都有 2 个。大多数(83.3%)标志是双语的,相对大小和信息显示略有不同。66.7% 显示相同大小的字体,64.8% 显示相同信息。针对发现的少数音译拼写不一致和错误的问题,对语言政策制定者提出了补救建议,共占9.3%。总体而言,沙特阿拉伯的情况并不像其他一些阿拉伯国家所说的那么糟糕 对184个招牌进行了观察和分类,其中68个入围进一步分析。其中,54 个为 AE 体征,17 个为 EA 体征,两个类别中都有 2 个。大多数(83.3%)标志是双语的,相对大小和信息显示略有不同。66.7% 显示相同大小的字体,64.8% 显示相同信息。针对发现的少数音译拼写不一致和错误的问题,对语言政策制定者提出了补救建议,共占9.3%。总体而言,沙特阿拉伯的情况并不像其他一些阿拉伯国家所说的那么糟糕 对184个招牌进行了观察和分类,其中68个入围进一步分析。其中,54 个为 AE 体征,17 个为 EA 体征,两个类别中都有 2 个。大多数(83.3%)标志是双语的,相对大小和信息显示略有不同。66.7% 显示相同大小的字体,64.8% 显示相同信息。针对发现的少数音译拼写不一致和错误的问题,对语言政策制定者提出了补救建议,共占9.3%。总体而言,沙特阿拉伯的情况并不像其他一些阿拉伯国家所说的那么糟糕 3%) 的标志是双语的,相对大小和信息显示略有不同。66.7% 显示相同大小的字体,64.8% 显示相同信息。针对发现的少数音译拼写不一致和错误的问题,对语言政策制定者提出了补救建议,共占9.3%。总体而言,沙特阿拉伯的情况并不像其他一些阿拉伯国家所说的那么糟糕 3%) 的标志是双语的,相对大小和信息显示略有不同。66.7% 显示相同大小的字体,64.8% 显示相同信息。针对发现的少数音译拼写不一致和错误的问题,对语言政策制定者提出了补救建议,共占9.3%。总体而言,沙特阿拉伯的情况并不像其他一些阿拉伯国家所说的那么糟糕