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Borders as the ultimate (de)Fence of Identity: an ontological security approach to exclusionary populism in Italy and Spain
KOME ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-01 , DOI: 10.17646/kome.75672.83
Laura Cervi , Santiago Tejedor

This paper looks at the discursive construction of the concept of border and its interaction with identity in two exclusionary populist movements: Lega in Italy and Vox in Spain. The study, based on the analysis of an ad hoc selection of discourses by the two parties’ leaders, applies clause-based semantic text analysis to detect the main discursive representations of the “us” and the “others” as threatening ontological security and the performative role played by borders as the ultimate (de)Fence for identity. Results show that Matteo Salvini focuses his discourse on the manipulation of physical space, representing Italy as the space for Italians and proposing to “close the borders” as the only way to stop the “invasion”. Santiago Abascal, on his side, constructs Spanish identity as inherently and proudly “anti-Islamic”. Borders, therefore, are invalicable for those considered incompatible with local values, namely “Muslims”, represented as a “natural threat” to Spanish identity.



本文着眼于两个排他性民粹主义运动中边界概念的话语建构及其与身份的相互作用:意大利的 Lega 和西班牙的 Vox。该研究基于对两党领导人临时选择的话语的分析,应用基于子句的语义文本分析来检测“我们”和“他者”的主要话语表征是否威胁到本体安全和边界作为身份的最终(去)栅栏所扮演的表演角色。结果表明,马泰奥·萨尔维尼(Matteo Salvini)将他的话语集中在对物理空间的操纵上,将意大利代表为意大利人的空间,并提出“关闭边界”作为阻止“入侵”的唯一途径。圣地亚哥·阿巴斯卡尔(Santiago Abascal)站在他这边,将西班牙的身份构建为天生而自豪的“反伊斯兰”。因此,边界,