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Dancing with the Junta Again
Anthropology in Action ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.3167/aia.2021.280207
A. A. (Myanmar Researcher) 1 , Liv S. Gaborit 2

Since the military coup on 1 February, more than 800 people, including children have been killed and more than 6,000 people have been arrested. The death toll and number of incarcerated women is sharply increasing during the crack down on protesters by security forces; yet, little is known about the specific challenges and opportunities encountered by women activists while imprisoned. Through analysis of semi-structured interviews with five women who have been detained in connection with the military coup, this report sheds light on the torture, sexual harassment and poor prison conditions that they face.



自 2 月 1 日军事政变以来,包括儿童在内的 800 多人被杀,6000 多人被捕。在安全部队镇压抗议者期间,死亡人数和被监禁妇女人数急剧增加;然而,对于女性活动家在被监禁期间遇到的具体挑战和机遇知之甚少。通过对五名因军事政变而被拘留的妇女的半结构化访谈分析,本报告揭示了她们所面临的酷刑、性骚扰和恶劣的监狱条件。