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One-way and two-way anova: Inferences about a robust, heteroscedastic measure of effect size
Methodology ( IF 1.975 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-31 , DOI: 10.5964/meth.7769
Rand Wilcox

Consider a one-way or two-way ANOVA design. Typically, groups are compared based on some measure of location. The paper suggests alternative methods where measures of location are replaced by a robust measure of effect size that is based in part on a robust measure of dispersion. The measure of effect size used here does not assume that the groups have a common measure of dispersion. That is, it deals with heteroscedasticity. It is fairly evident that no single method reveals everything of interest regarding how groups differ. Certainly, comparing measures of location provides useful information. But as illustrated, comparing measures of effect size can provide a deeper understanding of how groups compare.



考虑单向或双向 ANOVA 设计。通常,基于某种位置度量来比较组。该论文提出了替代方法,其中位置测量被稳健的效应大小测量所取代,该测量部分基于稳健的分散测量。此处使用的效应大小度量并不假设各组具有共同的分散度量。也就是说,它处理异方差性。很明显,没有任何一种方法可以揭示有关群体差异的所有有趣信息。当然,比较位置测量提供了有用的信息。但如图所示,比较效应大小的测量可以更深入地了解组的比较方式。