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Experts and climate change politicisation. A case study of the Environmental Protection Agency (1983–2015)
Science and Public Policy ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-09 , DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scac020
Loredana Loy 1

Abstract How did governmental experts respond publicly to the politicisation of climate change in the policy domain? Did they remain neutral to this process, resisted these efforts, or enabled them? Using longitudinal data derived from a content analysis of congressional testimonies provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) between 1983 and 2015, I find that the proportion of climate-related advocacy statements increased over time, yet their prevalence varied with the political context. As the agency’s position-taking on the issue intensified over time, this intensity was conditional on the political context. Most importantly, the EPA experts never denied the scientific basis of climate change, not even under presidential administrations that did, and instead advocated for climate action. These findings complicate traditional conceptualisations of experts as either independent from or subservient to politics, suggesting a more complex relationship where experts attempt to respond to contentious politics while maintaining continuity in their mission.



摘要 政府专家如何在政策领域公开回应气候变化的政治化?他们是对这个过程保持中立、抵制这些努力还是促成了这些努力?使用从 1983 年至 2015 年间环境保护署 (EPA) 提供的国会证词内容分析得出的纵向数据,我发现与气候相关的倡导声明的比例随着时间的推移而增加,但它们的流行程度因政治背景而异。随着该机构在这个问题上的立场随着时间的推移而加强,这种强度取决于政治背景。最重要的是,美国环保署的专家们从未否认气候变化的科学基础,即使在总统执政期间也没有否认,而是提倡采取气候行动。