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Energy Transition in a Transnational World
Transnational Environmental Law ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s2047102521000224
Thijs Etty , Veerle Heyvaert , Cinnamon Carlarne , Bruce Huber , Jacqueline Peel , Josephine van Zeben

On 6 January 2021 the US suffered one of the greatest contemporary threats to its democracy when insurgents stormed the Capitol.3 Humanitarian and refugee crises deepened in Yemen, Venezuela, Myanmar, and along the southern border of the US.4 Catastrophic rains and floods inundated New South Wales (Australia),5 and devastating fires swept across Cape Town (South Africa),6 while President Jair Bolsonaro sought to leverage the future of the Amazon rainforest.7 Meanwhile, as the large, wealthy countries refined their COVID-19 vaccine rollouts, rates of infections skyrocketed in Brazil and India to devastating effect and vaccine availability in many countries in the global south remains shockingly low.8 Moreover, as the world slowly and unsteadily emerges from varying levels of lockdown, global carbon emissions begin to rise quickly.9 The dizzying highs and lows of the first few months of 2021 revealed the contours of a world grappling with multiple overlapping crises as the pandemic continued to intersect with the global ecological crisis and a persistent crisis of world order.10 To put it bluntly, the global order is under pressure. Energy systems are evolving in response to a combination of law and policy changes, developments in energy technologies, and market forces. [...]given both the entrenched nature of fossil fuel economies and the varied social, political, economic, and environmental factors that shape energy transition, pathways to decarbonization are bound to be beset with complex trade-offs, such as those between energy security and environmental objectives, or between energy choice and economies of scale. [...]this is an area in need of experimentation and iterative learning. Transnational Environmental Law (TEL) is particularly well suited to advance scholarly inquiry at the frontier of energy transition. Since its inception TEL has helped to identify the grey areas between national and international legal development, and to explore the rapidly expanding body of law that fills and pushes at the edges of these interstitial spaces.



9 2021 年头几个月令人眼花缭乱的高潮和低谷揭示了一个世界正在努力应对多重重叠危机的轮廓,因为大流行继续与全球生态危机和世界秩序的持续危机交织在一起。 10 坦率地说,全球秩序面临压力。能源系统随着法律和政策变化、能源技术的发展和市场力量的变化而不断发展。[...] 鉴于化石燃料经济的根深蒂固的性质以及影响能源转型的各种社会、政治、经济和环境因素,脱碳途径必然会受到复杂的权衡取舍的困扰,例如能源之间的权衡取舍。安全和环境目标,或能源选择和规模经济之间。[... ]这是一个需要实验和迭代学习的领域。跨国环境法 (TEL) 特别适合推进能源转型前沿的学术研究。自成立以来,TEL 帮助确定了国家和国际法律发展之间的灰色地带,并探索了迅速扩展的法律体系,这些法律体系填补并推动了这些间隙空间的边缘。