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Naming as doing: Identities, positioning, and ideologies in capital trials
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1515/psicl-2021-0009
Krisda Chaemsaithong 1

Abstract Adopting a socio-pragmatic view on linguistic choices, this study aims to show how proper names come to function as an ideologically-significant resource for identity construction, impression management, and the negotiation of meaning-making. Drawing upon twelve opening addresses from the penalty phase of capital trials, the research identifies the forms, functions and frequencies of the naming choices that the prosecution and defense use to reference the defendants and victims. The findings reveal characteristic patterns in the two sides’ speeches both in terms of the naming choices and purposes for which such choices are (not) used. It is argued that, despite the defense’s attempts to neutralize the damaging effects, this value-laden practice potentially construes distance and exaggerates differences between the person on trial and the victims, and shapes the relationship between the defendant and jury in such a way that hinders empathy and understanding, thereby becoming one of the aggravating factors itself.



摘要 本研究采用社会语用学的语言选择观点,旨在展示专有名称如何成为身份构建、印象管理和意义协商谈判的意识形态重要资源。该研究借鉴了死刑审判处罚阶段的十二个开场白,确定了控辩双方用来指称被告和受害者的命名选择的形式、功能和频率。调查结果揭示了双方演讲中的特征模式,包括命名选择和使用(不)使用这些选择的目的。有人认为,尽管辩方试图消除破坏性影响,