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The discursive construction of a conflict: a case of disputed islands in the East China Sea
Text & Talk ( IF 0.776 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-28 , DOI: 10.1515/text-2020-0187
Hideo Watanabe 1

Abstract This article aims to identify how Chinese and Japanese online English-language newspaper editorials construct their arguments about a group of disputed islands – the Diaoyu Islands in Chinese, and the Senkaku Islands in Japanese – from a linguistic perspective. Newspapers in the two countries have played an important role in appealing not just to domestic readers, but also to international readers on this issue. A corpus of 50 editorials published between 2012 and 2016 was compiled from the English-medium Chinese and Japanese newspapers. The article examines evaluative language in the editorials, using an APPRAISAL framework developed within systemic functional linguistics. This project also adopts corpus techniques for selecting the samples. The findings show that the two corpora frequently used negative evaluations towards the opposite country. The two corpora, however, differed in the varieties of evaluations in the editorials. By exploring the discursive construction of the editorials in relation to contextual information, the analytical focus is on the way the discursive resources contribute to realising the ideologies behind the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands dispute. The findings contribute to our understanding of the way conflicting views can be constructed with the use of linguistic resources in the context of online English-medium news media.



摘要 本文旨在从语言学的角度探讨中日在线英文报纸社论如何构建他们对一组有争议的岛屿——中文为钓鱼岛和日文为尖阁诸岛——的论点。在这个问题上,两国报纸在吸引国内读者和国际读者方面都发挥了重要作用。2012 年至 2016 年间发表的 50 篇社论的语料库是从英文媒体的中文和日文报纸汇编而来的。本文使用在系统功能语言学中开发的评估框架来检查社论中的评估语言。该项目还采用语料库技术来选择样本。调查结果表明,这两个语料库经常对对方国家使用负面评价。然而,这两个语料库在社论评价的多样性上有所不同。通过探讨与语境信息相关的社论的话语建构,分析的重点是话语资源如何有助于实现钓鱼岛/尖阁诸岛争端背后的意识形态。这些发现有助于我们理解如何在在线英语媒体新闻媒体的背景下使用语言资源来构建相互矛盾的观点。分析的重点是话语资源如何有助于实现钓鱼岛/尖阁诸岛争端背后的意识形态。这些发现有助于我们理解如何在在线英语媒体新闻媒体的背景下使用语言资源来构建相互矛盾的观点。分析的重点是话语资源如何有助于实现钓鱼岛/尖阁诸岛争端背后的意识形态。这些发现有助于我们理解如何在在线英语媒体新闻媒体的背景下使用语言资源来构建相互矛盾的观点。