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Effects of zinc chloride impregnation states on specific surface and dielectric properties of activated carbons
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-12 , DOI: 10.1515/ijcre-2021-0241
Shu Hui Tang 1 , Lin Zhi Lee 1 , Vanissa Sandra Andrew 1 , Aiman Rashidi Mohd Akhmar 1 , Muhammad Abbas Ahmad Zaini 1, 2

Abstract The present work was aimed at evaluating the roles of zinc chloride impregnation states on specific surface and dielectric properties in microwave-assisted activated carbon preparation. Activated carbons were synthesized using castor shell at dry impregnation ratios of 1 and 2 (material-to-activator), and in suspensions of distilled water and zinc chloride, at power intensity of 800 W and irradiation time of 5 min. The activated carbons exhibit an improvement in dielectric properties and specific surface with increasing impregnation ratio. Palm kernel shell was employed for comparison to verify the effect of power intensity. At 800 W, the magnitudes of surface area are 1684 m2/g and 1150 m2/g for castor shell- and palm kernel shell-based activated carbons, respectively. A high specific surface brings about a greater methylene blue adsorption for possible applications in wastewater treatment.



摘要 本工作旨在评估氯化锌浸渍态对微波辅助活性炭制备中比表面和介电性能的影响。活性炭使用蓖麻壳以 1 和 2 的干浸渍比(材料与活化剂)合成,并在蒸馏水和氯化锌的悬浮液中,功率强度为 800 W,辐照时间为 5 分钟。随着浸渍比的增加,活性炭表现出介电性能和比表面积的改善。使用棕榈仁壳进行比较,以验证功率强度的影响。在 800 W 下,基于蓖麻壳和棕榈仁壳的活性炭的表面积大小分别为 1684 m2/g 和 1150 m2/g。