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The Voice of Silence: Patterns of Digital Participation Among Palestinian Women in East Jerusalem
Media and Communication ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-17 , DOI: 10.17645/mac.v9i4.4391
Maya De Vries , Maya Majlaton

Facebook is one of the world’s largest social networks, with more than 2,7 billion active users globally. It is also one of the most dominant platforms and one of the platforms most commonly used by Arabs. However, connecting via Facebook and sharing content cannot be taken for granted. While many studies have focused on the role played by networked platforms in empowering women in the Arab world in general and on feminist movements in the Arab Spring, few have explored Palestinian women’s use of Facebook. During and after the Arab Spring, social media was used as a tool for freedom of expression in the Arab world. However, Palestinians in East Jerusalem using social media witnessed a decrease in freedom of expression, especially after the Gaza war in 2014. This article focuses on the Facebook usage patterns and political participation of young adult Palestinian women living in the contested space of East Jerusalem. These women live under dynamic power struggles as they belong to a traditionally conservative society, live within a situation of intractable conflict, and are under state control as a minority group. Qualitative thematic analysis of 13 in-depth interviews reveals three patterns of usage, all related to monitoring: state monitoring, kinship monitoring, and self-monitoring. The article conceptualises these online behaviours as “participation avoidance,” a term describing users’ (non-)communicative practices in which the mundane choices of when, why, and how to <em>participate </em>also mirror users’ choices of when, why, and how to <em>avoid</em>.



Facebook 是世界上最大的社交网络之一,在全球拥有超过 27 亿活跃用户。它也是最主要的平台之一,也是阿拉伯人最常用的平台之一。但是,不能认为通过 Facebook 连接和共享内容是理所当然的。虽然许多研究都集中在网络平台在阿拉伯世界赋予女性权力以及阿拉伯之春中的女权运动中所起的作用,但很少有人探讨巴勒斯坦女性对 Facebook 的使用。在阿拉伯之春期间和之后,社交媒体被用作阿拉伯世界表达自由的工具。然而,东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦人使用社交媒体见证了言论自由的减少,尤其是在 2014 年加沙战争之后。本文重点关注生活在东耶路撒冷争议地区的年轻巴勒斯坦成年妇女的 Facebook 使用模式和政治参与。这些女性生活在充满活力的权力斗争中,因为她们属于传统上保守的社会,生活在难以解决的冲突环境中,并且作为少数群体受到国家控制。对 13 次深度访谈的定性主题分析揭示了三种使用模式,均与监控相关:状态监控、亲属监控和自我监控。本文将这些在线行为概念化为“参与回避”,这是一个描述用户(非)交流实践的术语,其中关于何时、为什么以及如何参与的世俗选择也反映了用户对何时、为什么以及如何<em>避免</em>。